Sep 30, 2006 00:01
(This was posted on Utopia at 6:30am yesterday. See previous entry for context.)
Sep 29, 2006 3:29 from Neurophyre
Well now THAT was unsettling. A giant thunderclap at about 6:10am jolted me
halfway awake enough to get one of those bitches mixed up in my consciousness
with something about editing wikis and weird shifting black things got injected
into my cognitive stream, and I was trying to look at Special:Recentchanges to
see either my inclusion or removal of some type of link to a lulzy template
that would include an evil growing blot of shadow, or some mention of a
thunderclap, but all Special:Recentchanges would produce in my imagination was
a fucked up fractal pattern like that bouncing lines screen saver in Windows,
except frozen, static, and kinda 3D, and I began to get worried that altered
cognition was some kind of sign of impending angry ghost chick appearance and
looking around the near-darkened room I noted that the darker spots seemed
Not Normal, and visual recognition of shapes was weird. Then there was another
huge thunderclap at 6:20 and this weird mental crap continued so I turned on
the fucking light and went to dig the cat out from under the kitchen sink.
[Flickering Blue Glow> msg #1287 (3 remaining)] Read cmd -> Next
Sep 29, 2006 3:36 from Neurophyre
It was Kayako, BTW, not Samara. grrr.
[Flickering Blue Glow> msg #1288 (2 remaining)] Read cmd ->
web stuff,
geek stuff,
media and me