(no subject)

Mar 16, 2003 00:43

If you give a fuck at all that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children are dead, if you give a fuck that tens of thousands more are about to die, if you give a fuck that tons of depleted uranium from weapons used against Iraq could (see edit) cause up to a half million cancer deaths and untold severe birth defects (and that's what's already there)...

Go here and use the form to find out where the closest candlelight vigil will be. That's this sunday, 7PM your time.

Edit: There's some debate over this figure which I quoted without doing proper research. Read the comments if you care, otherwise, I'll summarize: The toxic effects of depleted uranium will cause somewhere between 1 and 500,000 premature deaths. You figure out if it's worth it, regardless of what the number is.

politics and society

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