Mar 01, 2008 16:11
I don't think I'm a materialistic person, but I can be quite materialistic when it comes to certain things. These things mainly consist of books, CDs, and "high tech" stuff (although really only stereos, MP3 players and cameras). There's no games consoles or anything in my life because to be quite frank I get utterly bored after about 5 minutes. The only exception is the Wii, but I've only ever played it when drunk and/or having fun with people anyway, so I doubt very much whether it would hold the same appeal if I had one in my own house. Despite being a little bit obsessed with "high tech" stuff, I'm not an Apple fanatic like a lot of people in this world. I actually hated Apple when everyone first became obsessed with the iPod because I just don't like it when people become mass-lovers of things (the Mac is different because, apart from everyone in Starbucks, you don't really tend to carry your Mac around like a status symbol. do you?)
Last year when the iPod classic came out, I couldn't resist the Apple thing any longer and I coveted one for about 32 months. I finally got one for Christmas from my mum to replace my iRiver (which I loved but was 3 years old and resembled a brick compared to the iPod Classic). I now love my iPod a lot. I think it's great (apart from the fact I haven't worked out how to play all my songs from artist beginning with A to artist beginning with Z album by album. If that made sense to anyone and they know the answer - tell me).
There are a couple of things that annoy me about Apple. I don't like the way you have to buy so many things separately. It's really fucking annoying. I know I can charge my iPod classic through the USB cable via my computer, but my computer's a laptop and I don't leave it on for extended periods of time. If it's lucky I put it on for about 3 hours a day and for most of that time I'll forget to plug my iPod in anyway. So, the other week I bought a mains charger (which cost me £19). I think a mains charger should really come as standard. I just think it should (I don't care if it's not absolutely essential).
Today I went into the Apple store again to buy something that I've been coveting for about a month - an iPod dock. I always plug my iPod into my stereo so that I can listen to all my songs without having to change CDs etc. I had a cable from Stereo to generic MP3 player anyway, so I didn't need that. It just used to annoy me that if a song came on that I didn't like, or an album finished, I'd have to put down my book/make-up/laptop and get off my bed, walk over to the stereo and press iPod buttons.
NOW I DON'T HAVE TO. I have an iPod dock and a teensy little remote control so that I can sit on my bed and press buttons. It's amazing. That was £35. I can plug it into the mains charger and charge my iPod when it's in the dock and playing. That's fabulous. So £54 later and I'm happy.
I love the Apple store (minus the fucking annoying tourists who probably now class it as some kind of "destination" like Hamleys and Harrods). I love that you can basically pick something up off a shelf, walk up to a member of staff and pay for the thing in the middle of the shop without having to queue up at tills (if you're paying by chip and pin, of course). And I love that they just email your receipt to you instead of printing anything out.
Basically, I think I've started loving Apple a little bit more than I ever intended to, and am willing to put up with the fact I have to spend lots of money on things that should probably come as Standard. I'm even kind of thinking that the next computer I buy will be a Mac, even though I've only ever used one about 4 times in my life. Someone please stop me.