This survey was too good to pass up!
- go to Google Images
- search for your answer
- pick one image from the first page
- post
Edit: One of my images now works.
1. The age you'll be on your next birthday
2. A place you'd like to travel to
3. Your favorite place
4. Your favorite object
5. Your favorite food
6. Your favorite animal
7. Your favorite color
8. The town where you were born
9. The town in which you live
10. The name of a past pet
11. The first name of a past love
12. Your nickname
13. Your screen name
14. Your first name
15. Your middle name(s)
16. Your last name
17. A bad habit of yours
18. Your first job
paid under the table-
19. Your grandmother's name
(see middle name....I'm getting tired!)
20. Your major(s) in college
I'm tired now. There ya go.