What up, LJ. Though I'd catch you up on my life.
Work at Intertek is going good. The work continues to be low-stress, and its a good enough place to work at. We even had bagels and a costume contest on Halloween, to show how loose the place is. I hope to keep this job through January til I have to leave for Disney, though I dont really have a sense of how possible that is. I seem to be liked, and heard second-hand that some worker (but WHO?) said I remind him of his wife from back in the day. Which is kinda weird, but even weirder that I heard that before at my Staten Island Zoo internship.
I went to W&M's Homecoming last weekend. Which was my first time out of the tri-state area since graduation. I went down on Wednesday to meet up with my friend Rob. It rained pretty much the whole ride down, getting worse and worse as I approached Stafford, VA. So I think that takes first place as my worse drive ever by the time I got to NOVA, for it was driving rain in the dark with plenty of other cars/trucks around.
I went to the National Zoo with Rob on Thursday, which was of course fun. But of course driving around DC to get to the zoo, we got really lost. I tell ya, that city makes no sense. At the zoo, I saw the most active red panda ive ever seen and the other highlight was the golden lion tamarins because I love those little monkeys! Me, Rob, and my friend Mary then bar-hopped in the Adams-Morgan section of DC, which was really fun. Then me and Rob had a long drive back to Stafford, VA, after of course getting lost trying to get out of DC. Our bladders could not make it to Stafford, so we stopped at a gas station in Lorton (you know, where the auto train departs). It is there that I had to use the scariest toilet I have ever seen. Let's just leave it at that.
W&M homecoming was good. The drive down to Williamsburg was again in the pouring rain. I saw pretty much everyone I wanted to see, with only one good friend completely blowing me and other alums off. So I saw people I wanted to see, did things I wanted to do, and ate things I wanted to eat. You know, WAWA my love, Chez Trinh, Mongolian Barbeque. I was actually surprised that more people didnt come back, but on the plus side I didnt really have to fake-small-talk with people that always bothered me. So there!
I think it was good to go back. More so than I anticipated, things were just not the same. The Leafe didnt have the exact crowd as last year, the football game was filled with young-looking undergrads, all my friends live off-campus now, so on and so-forth. So tuck college into my memory bank, cuz that time cannot be replicated, no matter how hard i try. I think I also needed to be reminded about real life in college, for it was of course idealized in my head after graduation and all the fun that was the final months of senior year.
And ultimately, now that I have visited W&M post-graduation, I really dont think I need to go back for a good long time. Truth be told, I dont think I missed W&M proper that much. It's done, and for someone just looking to have fun, we all know it doesnt have much to offer. And I didnt miss Virginia. Oh no, not at all. Even after only a few days in VA, I was more than happy to pound the pavement and head back to NJ. So believe me, Im glad I took this trip and certainly had a good time. But I think it helped reposition my psyche in that living at home in NJ really isnt that bad, and I am fine with staying put for the rest of 2007 until my move to Florida in 2008. I think it was almost the final goodbye, and now Im ready to move on from mourning the loss of college from my life.
In other news, this is very much the crunch time to deciding if I want to apply to grad school for next year. Since applications are due less than a month from now. And I honestly dont know what to do...I was so sure for awhile and then I just snapped and think I should hold off til I REALLY know what I want to study. Thoughts? Your comments can seriously determine my future!