Pronounce Me

Dec 09, 2010 16:13


1) Make an entry with the filled out form
2) Have your f-list describe in the comments how they pronounce your username, what they originally thought it said/meant

International Phonetic Alphabet: KӔS ӕt ðə dɪskoʊ

I like Panic! at the Disco and I wanted an "at the Disco" username. I was primarily in Supernatural fandom when I selected this new name and at the time I had become a big fan of Misha Collins and his Castiel character. Before changing my name on livejournal, I used the full CastielAtTheDisco name other places on the internet. Realizing that it was too long for LJ character limits, I used the Cas nickname here. I love my username now, even if it is fandom-specific.
Castiel: The angel of Thursday
At: A function word indicating presence in, on, or near 
The: A function word before a singular noun to indicate that the noun is to be understood generically
Disco: A nightclub for dancing to live and recorded music

An angel named Castiel is at some non-specific disco.

Meme snagged from niniblack and pyroclastic, original here.

flist participation time?, memes happen

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