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Aug 18, 2015 00:30

The experimental Andrews machine pistol

...during world war 1, in cleveland, william andrews, a gunsmith and a former officer of u.s. army ordnance, developed a prototype machine pistol.
this caliber .45 weapon had a feed system on the turret principle, with ten standard 7-round pistol magazines arranged in a circle under the receiver.
although this machine pistol apparently was able to perform creditably in firing tests, it had some obvious limitations.
the turret arrangement resulted in a poor shape of the weapon, making it awkward for normal carrying.
in full-automatic fire the dispersion must habe been considerable, as the caliber .45 cartridge develops substantial muzzle energy.
the employment of the standard pistol magazine, seemingly an advantage, had its drawbacks.
most pistol magazines are relatively lightly constructed and subject to deformation, particularly at the feed lips.
in this instance the possibility of trouble of that type was increased tenfold, as the magazines were virtually unprotected when in the turret.
the andrews machine pistol did not get beyond the prototype stage.

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