На фото - немеряно крутые для 1952 года "тактически-практические" револьверы Colt, презентованные полиции штата Индиана по неизвестному мне поводу Ассоциацией дилеров компании Ford.
Меня в наибольшей степени заинтересовали рукояти, некие Fitz Ten-O-Grips.
И вы поняли, о чем я подумал! :) После не слишком глубокого изучения вопроса оказалось, что "рукоятки Фитц" к "нашему" Фитцу" никакого отношения не имеют - автором рукоятей является некий Пол "Фитц" Джонс? вроде бы как никак не связанный с легендарным Джоном "Фитцем" Фитцджеральдом.
Зато рукояти, вроде как, действительно были знатные!
Fitz Grips was established in 1924 with the patent of the Accuriser grip with a palm swell plate that was adjustible for right and left handed target shooters. Grips were made for Smith, Colt Ruger and High Standard weapons only. My last production was in 1975 for 500 Smiths our Govt sold to the Egyptians who demanded my ebony Gunfighter grips on them for the sale to go through. I retired in 1979 and have had a few grips in storage since then and my wife convinced me to dig them out of the barn to sell them off to assist our social security. They are available in Cherry wood and Duramite, a Nylon-Plastic blend (Very Tough) in Olympic, target, Gunfighter styles and a very realistic Stag for cowboy shooters. There are well known to your Parents and Grandparents that were competitive shooters and our slip top blood red Ammo Safe boxes from the 50's are still being used as they are a lifetime ammo box.Many sizes ald out but there may be one for your favorite weapon. fitz_grips fitz_grips@hotmail.com send your email address for information and picture attachments Thanks Paul "Fitz"
Paul Jones
Fitz Pistol Grips
The Choice of Champions
Since 1924