Ha ha. Victory is mine.

Apr 14, 2006 16:41

Haha. You think you can fuck with me internet? Yeah, well I beat you like the bed wetting old lady you are. Beat you with a stick, and that stick's called compulsive idiocy, with a little help from the taunt hand often known as "for god sake, get a fucking life".

Yes, 12am this Good Friday, the day I decided to take as a day off, I spotted a Toon Zone thread about VG music. Well, I made a list, and realised one such game, whose little white noise generator barely managed a tune some 20 years back, created a ditty which spellbound me. I never knew the composers name, but loved the intro to this tiny backwater 48k 8-bit game.

On a hunt I found I couldn't find the composer. I decided though I would have a listen to the tune.

Now you can emulate the game image on a spectrum 48k emulator, but a few years back, I found a music emulator which simply took the sound as an .ay file and played it through a player. It was great, one 8k track could hold all those blips and bloops which made a tangy tune - several tracks in one 8k file.

The World Of Spectrum archive holds all the PD spectrum games - which is NEARLY all of them. It has this one game - Nether Earth, and it's Project Ay subsite has all these .ay files (they sound like midi really).

Of course, the only one I couldn't find there is Nether Earth's. The game exists on the site as a rom, but the sound rip has been removed from the archive.

Between PC and Mac I've been working like a hog. 4am, proved little success. I'd found a good Mac player for the ay files, but no archives that contained it.

I went back and started again this morning.

Problem was, World Of Spectrum also has robot blocks so you can't archive.org it, and most of the ay sites have dried up, relying on the Project Ay to support their emulators.

Then this morning come afternoon I found reference to a dead site which used to hold ay files. A search on archive.org brought up the site, but the link to the archive zip was dead. So I took the zip name and googled it to find a russian forum of 3 years back. Thanks to Babel Fish, a translation brought me to the page to a stored version of the archive.

Downloaded I found amongst the games was the song! In ay format! Which didn't work on the Audio player! So I took it to a PC and found it worked on a PC emulator but not the single mac one. A pain, as to get it to play on a mac, or even covert it with Garageband to a mp3 to, say, bluetooth to a phone, requires it to be a wav. The mac program converts to a wav, but because it can't READ the file, it converts nothing. Same problem with the program on a Windows OS.

If it worked as a wav, I could Mp3 it. I can't make it a wav. Nor can I play it on my Mac.

BUT I have it. I'm now looking at using audacity to record the sound and convert THAT to an Mp3.

Anyway... it's done. Being it's mainly a midi sound, there really isn't any quality to be lost and Audacity is very good with mono recordings. So it's a nice tidy mp3 file with a nice fade out to boot.

So sorted. That will teach you bastard internet to try and kill my fun. Ha. I don't even think I'll listen to it much, it was more out of insane spite.

I guess also to get it before it's lost forever, which I can take some blame for as I had it on ay file on my old P233 that sat in the corner of my room under my drawing board... which I threw out last month.

Perhaps I had to make up for that blunder. Who cares. I'm happy.

Now I have to pull of all this shit I've downloaded to my PC and Mac in my abortive attempts to claim this simple 8k file.

Happy Good Friday.
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