(no subject)

Sep 02, 2003 15:55

Have been actually busy today - the fall event season is already in full swing. One press briefing tomorrow and three next week, sheesh. I need more suits.

Did some Labor Day shopping up at the great Friendship Heights money-sucking pit (i.e. TJMaxx/Lord&Taylor/Filene's/Loehman's/Borders/Linensn'Things) and picked up some nice odds n' ends, including a new pair of black pants for work - good quality light wool. (Yes Carmen, one does need more than one pair of black pants. No, they're not all alike.) But alas, did not find any suits that I liked that fit/weren't ungodly expensive. Saw fab red (a red suit! ::sigh:: someday I'll be that fab.) Tahari suit at Loehman's, but the skirt was longer than I liked - that two-inches below the knee length that is death for those of us with fat calves.

Also got many new plants: rosemary, basil, lavender, ivy, and a great big bunch of asters. The rosemary, alas, is already dying. I think it had been over-watered or something b/c the stem was practically rotting. Will have to get another one. Some will come with me to work - probably the asters, since they seem fairly hardy, though I'm not really sure what to do with them - and others will stay at home (since I can access the really sunny window now, yay!), and we'll see what survives.

Rented TT last week. Every time I see it, the parts I love, I love more, and the parts that irritate me, irritate me more. (see: the frelling about with the ent plotline for no good reason.) Judging by the preview, the EE will fix some of that for me, and I will probably sniffle like a little baby during Boromir’s scenes. (::sniffles in advance::) Going by the RotK footage, I will be a snivelly, teary mess.
Minor detail question: Eomer calls the horses he gives to the three hunters Arod and Hasufel, as they are in the books. So why in all the toys/merchandising, is Aragorn’s horse called Brego? Or was that someone else’s horse and I’m just not remembering correctly?

I’ve been neglecting my pirategasm reading of late - but found these amusing tidbits.

Sharing Will Turner - Sharing isn't easy, especially not for the one being shared. PG. Good voices here, and character struggle/dilemna that isn't overwrought angst.

A good Plan - “Commodore Norrington had had a plan for avoiding the Turner-Swann wedding. It had been a simple plan, really. A good plan. Well thought-out. Nearly infallible, as far as he'd been able to see.” *snerk* Poor guy can't catch a break, as Jack wrecks his plans yet again.

In LotRPS, twinkledru found this gem earlier today: a perfect understanding -
The hobbits and orli discussing sean/viggo. PG13. Includes Orli’s graphic hand gestures, Billy bitterly lamenting being the only straight man in the fellowship, and Orli and Dom delighting in making Sean A. blush and Lij pretending he’s not interested. V. hysterical.

Vic has new recs up.

I’d read some of these previously and didn’t have much time to indulge in the rest of them at work today, but the two I read and loved:

XMM, “ Scrap metal” - Logan isn’t very happy about Rogue’s newest accessory.

He’s heard this shit too many times to count. Someday, he wants to hear an honest complaint about Bobby. Can’t the guy do *anything* wrong? Does he *have* be Cyke Junior every damned day? Doesn’t he ever sneak bourbon out of Wheels’ liquor cabinet and get drunk on the roof?

Wait, scratch that. Knowing Marie, she’d be up there slugging it back with him. If that was the idea, he’d push LeBeau at her.

Wait. Scratch that, too. If she was dating LeBeau, he’d have already snapped and diced him up into spicy chicken nuggets.
* * * *
she squeaks, then starts laughing again. "I’m sorry, it’s just that…aw, sugar, you’re so cute when you’re all riled up."

His chest puffs up with pride before he reminds himself that ‘cute’ is a bad thing. He’s the goddamned Wolverine, for Christ’s sake. He’s fierce. He’s dangerous. He has nine inch adamantium claws. He is *not* cute.

and in HP, Making Moony Laugh -
Somehow, when I clicked over there, I missed seeing the title and subhead at the top of the page, and the story is the better for not knowing what’s coming - a blow that is somehow both soft and incredibly sharp at the same time. You don’t feel it hit, but suddenly, you’re gasping for air. From Fred Weasley’s POV, during OotP.

ETA: lovely new Daniel icon by sinecure. heart-stopping.

hp, fic recs, real life, lotr

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