Tragic Emo Bangs of Doom

Mar 06, 2007 10:08

I am v. sad to have completely missed the SPN fandom love meme. I need to stop this whole periodic retreat from LJ and fandom. For a while I was having this weird withdrawal from fic-reading that was worrying me, but has fortunately now worn off. barkley's fandom love vid is v. adorable in a total 80s flashback kind of way.

Hee! Oh, Heroes, you continue to be the joy of my Mondays.

- Nathan and Hiro need to have way more scenes together. "I thought you were crazy." "That's OK, I thought you were mean." They are comedy and charisma gold.

- Seriously, the whole dramatic "oh noes!" emo bang falling to the floor kind of undermined all the dramatic tension of Mohinder pinned to the ceiling and on fire and Sylar attempting to snack on Peter's brains. Carmen and I both started laughing uproariously and were just relieved that someone had finally given Peter a haircut.

- Speaking of Carmen and Sylar, apparently she went to school with the guy. So whenever she comes home mid-ep, I just call out "hey, your boy Zach's getting ready to snack again!"

- Have I mentioned that I love Nathan? Working with the FBI, sexily wrestling Niki to the bed -- and I love Niki for being useful and getting him to punch her out.

- Linderman was succsesfully extra-creepy, because Malcom McDowell is always extra creepy and crazy, but even he wasn't quite able to maintain the tension the whole way through the encounter, due to Villain Long-Windedness. (But "you can't have any of my pot pie" is an awesome comeback.)

I had more to say, but I have errands that desperately need running, so, must post.

Sadly, the second ep of The Black Donnellys was not nearly as good as the first. The comedic presence of Joey Ice-cream as narrator was way more intrusive and tonally off; I suppose it's distantly possible the writers are making some kind of meta-commentary on unreliable narrators, but somehow I doubt it.

Also, I need a Heroes icon.

fandom love, other tv

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