Not dead, just pining for the fjords or whatever. Have officially decided I have no idea how people work and do grad school/take up extra-curricular activities/run a family at the same time. No idea. Are there some extra hours in the day that I don't know about?
My fics? ::semi-hysterical laughter:: The one that was supposed to be relatively easy and natural (a/b/a) is long, coming slowly & painfully, and plotty. Plot, there's plot everywhere, aiiie! get it off me!
It's also spawned an alternate version of itself. ::facepalm::
The Third Age Ficathon story, however, is DONE.
_redpanda_, it'll be up shortly, here and at
mathoms. With great thanks to
freedomfry, as usual, who reminded me to explain a thing or two for everyone who hadn't gone swimming in the giant encyclopedia of Gondorian back-history. Which is, y'know, most people.
It's still untitled, and will likely remain that way for a while until I have time to go poking around for inspiration. I dearly want to use a lyric or two from Guns n' Roses' "Civil War," but I can't find a line that seems to work.
And then my brain keeps trying to distract me with Arthur/Guenivere/Lancelot porn.
Right. ::dives back into annual report production::