Was lazy yesterday - instead of working on either my Remix assignment or the Rohirrim ficathon, just mostly cruised the LJ and took lots of silly memes.
Take the Dead German Composer Test!
Welcome home. You're SO Jersey. You know Wildwood
and Seaside are the most disgusting places on
earth, and only good for drunken after prom
vacations, you know there's always a
"short-cut" to someplace. Isn't
Jersey great? I mean, where else can you go 80
MPH and STILL be the slowest car on the road?
How JERSEY are you? brought to you by
Quizilla heh. Not technically Jersey, S. NY, but really, six of one, half-dozen of the other. We spent just as much time in Jersey.
And gacked from
obsessedmuchList your favorite movie role for each actor beside their name
20. Sigourney Weaver - Alien
19. Robin Williams - Good Morning Vietnam / Aladdin
18. Clint Eastwood - Since I’ve seen exactly 2 movies w/ Clint, I’ve gotta go w/ High Plains Drifter
17. Mel Gibson - Lethal Weapon (1) / Braveheart
16. Paul Newman - The Sting
15. Brad Pitt - Fight Club / and Interview / a River Runs Through It
14. Steve McQueen - have seen nothing of his.
13. Audrey Hepburn - Breakfast at Tiffany’s
12. James Stewart - It's A Wonderful Life (again, only one I’ve seen)
11. Samuel L. Jackson - the negotiator / Pulp Fiction
10. Cary Grant - North by Northwest / His Girl Friday
9. Ewan McGregor - Moulin Rouge / Velvet Goldmine
8. Sean Connery - Dr. No / Highlander
7. Anthony Hopkins - The Remains of the Day / Legends of the Fall
5. Harrison Ford - Star Wars / Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (DUH!)
4. Kevin Spacey - LA Confidential
3. Tom Hanks - A League of Their Own
2. Robert DeNiro - Godfather II / Heat
1. Al Pacino - Dog Day Afternoon / the Devil’s Advocate
And The Interests By Letter meme:
Take the first letter of the name of the person from whom you got this meme, and list all of your lj interests that begin with that letter.
O - hmm, I have "orlando bloom" and "OT3s" listed.
Diane Ravitch goes off on
stupid language practices in new york state in the WSJ.
::beats head against desk::
Physiognomy - a terribly amusing HP fic in which people come to the startling conclusion that Draco might be a bit of a git, but he's not, y'know, Eeeeeevil, and Ron wonders if everyone's gone completely barmy.