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Jul 02, 2005 14:57

so lately people have been talking about how much they have changed...i started thinking about it..contemplating the last few years...and i realized i have changed more than i ever thought. When we moved to birmingham 6 years ago i was a new christian and not a very strong one. I went to briarwood and grew so much as a christan...when i got to vestavia though i started to slip away from the Lord...i thought that i could do things on my own...i depended on God all through my parents divorce and he changed the lives of everyone in my family...for good. But through all that i decided to try things on my own...When craig was diagnosed with terminal cancer (please pray for him he is one of the stronges men i know..in Christ and phyically..he is still hanging on but the cancer has reached is stomache and things are going down hill...please pray him..not so much for him to live because hes not scared of dying and i am so excited for him to meet the Lord and i know i will see him soon but that he would feel no pain! Please pray!) i continued to try to do things on my own...but i have learned that i cant...not at all..this world is so crazy and without a strong relationship with Christ ill drowned in all the drama..good and bad. Ive since learned to fully rely on Him and i am so glad that i have...I went through alot and while i wasn't close to Him, he was close to me and carried me through all of it..I am so thankful. Its so important to stay close to Him in the good and bad times...even when you think that you can stand on you own because even when it seems like you can...you cant, i look back and while i thought i was still close to God i now realized that i was further than I ever wanted or want to be...Even now I can happily say that i am so Blessed and am happier than i think i have ever been!!
A friend gave me this verse not too long ago and it has since been one of my favorites...John 16:33

Thanks for reading this i know it was a bit of a personal vent but i appreciate it..

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God Bless!
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