this week has been a pretty good week nothin special goin on....
My sunroof in my new car broke....that was annoying but other than that its all been good. I finally saw sisterhood of the traveling pants which is an awesome not a cryer but i deff balled in that movie!
Missed city stages this weekend...dont know if that was good or bad..a guy asked me to go with him but i really dont know him very well and as cute as he may be i dont think it would have been a good idea at all so i skipped it this year. Ive heard that this was the last year for cty stages which i really hope is not true...its a highlight of my summer.
Scary Moment!!!! I was on Lorna...never go on that street at night!!...I was pulling out of a shopping center and i noticed that this van full of mexicans pulled out of their parking spot and started to follow me. I didnt think anything of it until i noticed that they were far over in their lane so that they could still see me. Still wasnt worrying about it so i made a couple of turns...not the norm either...i went through a shopping center and was clear that they were following me. By this time it was pretty dark so i flew through an almost red light and took a sharp turn into vestavia i was relieved to see that i had lost them!
So this has been a pretty boring post hopefully my next will be a little more interesting! Oh yeah left my parking break on for 20 miles of driving and aaishah who was behind me smelled was deff my car but it didnt hurt anything..the mechanic that balanced had put it on but not enough that it was noticeable.Thats all
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