The World is ending as we speak look at what right wing extremists have come up with now
"ok heres what led me to find out about the Westboro Baptist Church
Reverend may bring message of hate to soldier's funeral
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
James Stewart spent most of his boyhood in St. Petersburg, and died in Iraq.
Fred Phelps is the pastor of Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas, but he spends most of his time preaching hate toward homosexuals.
"He has a reputation, somewhat notorious, among the lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender community," said Brian Winfield, a spokesperson for Equality Florida.
Winfield says Phelps has been showing up at the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Phelps' web site says protestors will be at the funeral of Army Sgt. James Stewart, who died last week in Iraq. Stewart's mother lives in St. Petersburg.
"We think it's absolutely repugnant of Rev. Phelps to bring his message of hatred and bigotry not only to St. Petersburg, but to the doorstep of a family who really should be left alone," Winfield said.
Equality Florida is contacting Park Street Baptist Church to see if the church would like them to act as human shields at Stewart's funeral on Monday.
"We're willing to stand in between the hateful message of Rev. Phelps and protect the privacy of the funeral and of the family as they mourn," Winfield said.
A soldier from Ft. Drum, where Stewart was stationed, will accompany his mother during the funeral.
its one thing to have an opinon but some of the shit on this website is nothing more than hate pure and simple i dont like the war in iraq but to say thank god for IED's and thank god for dead soilders or to picket about gays at a service members funeral is just fucking wrong so feel free to do what i am write a letter to them not an e-mail but a letter or call them directly if you can heres the info
Westboro Baptist Church
3701 Southwest 12th Street, Topeka, KS 66604
(785) 273-0325"
-- ol shoes of 2
jsut in case you couldnt read that: basically these baptists are so against gays that everytime a gay soldier dies in iraq, they come to the funerals with signs saying thank god for ied's (insurgents). these people are so fucking retarded, they hate gays so much that they are willing to protest at people fucking funerals. godam these people are dumb fucks
well if youve noticed there is phone number there, and so i decided to call those little chicken fuckers and there excuse was:
that we must love thy neighbor and that if thy neighbor doesnt love you you must HATE THEM WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART. the lady called gays SODOMITES and that all they do is deface society with their disgusting sexual acts adn that all gays do is impose their sodomotizing beliefs unpon us straight folks.
then i asked her what good could possibly come out of thsi and she responded by giving the analogy of a blind man about to run off a cliff, and the only way to save him would be to takle him to the ground, would you. and i replied yes, but thats quite irrelvant
what if the blind man wanted to fall of the cliff, and was happy with his life so far and didnt care if he faced a life time of firey brimestone and hell.
and then she called me a sodomizing gay and i just hung up on her.
well thats all i ahve to say