How many days...

Jul 07, 2008 12:30

I am officially 3 days post surgical and as I sit here at work, slightly dizzy from the pain meds, I am thinking that people should take at least 5 days before returning to the everyday schedule. I'm happy for the pain meds, though. I let them lapse this morning and was pretty unhappy about that.

My appetite has not returned yet either. I am sure it will but it doesn't matter right now either because I'm really glad not to be in the wierd abstract pain that has hit me a few times since my organs were excised (I think that word works). So - good things are coming this way. I have had my evil fallopean tubes of destruction removed and should experience a significant drop in horrible pain within the next few weeks. I have also had yet another polyp removed (the 3rd or 4th) so the slow and constant leaking of my life force that has been in existence for the last 8 months should also cease (please, Gods and Goddesses, let it cease).

I still had a great July 4th - well 5th really, I slept through much of the 4th. My dear friend Ann spent the weekend sitting around with us and the boys had a fun cookout. I wasn't able to eat much but what I did eat was delicious. Hooray for the new grill that Jon and I built together. It's tough to live in Texas without a grill. Maybe Texas houses should come with them. Hmmm....

Something else cool, Jon has applied for a job with the county. If he gets it there will be a much needed pay raise for the new haynies. In addition to that, he'll be able to take the bus with me in the mornings since the Job will be downtown. Hopefully, the benefits will be as good as the ones he gets at his present job, though. We've recently changed our benefits package at the Niccian job so I'll be on his medical program. They are considerably better than the new ones I'm being offered.

ok. back to work.

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