7 months and 11 days (One-Shot)

Aug 17, 2009 13:56

Title: 7 months and 11 days
Chapters: 1/1
Pairing/Characters: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,193
Disclaimer: This is just for fun. I don’t own, characters belong to ATWT, CBS, P&G, etc.
Author's Notes: English is not my native language.

„Noah! Don’t go! Please don’t leave me, I need you! Noah!” Luke realized that he was lying in his bed, breathing faster than usually, he had just woken up from another nightmare about Noah. But then moments later, he realized that it wasn’t just a nightmare. Noah had really left him, 7 months and 11 days, ago. Since that day Luke had dreams about Noah almost every night, but most of the times it weren’t dreams about their good times together they have had in their short relationship, which had only last for 3 months. It were nightmares about the day Noah had left him. On that day Noah had told him out of nowhere that he couldn’t be with him anymore, that he had to leave Oakdale. Luke begged him to stay, he told him that I loved him and that he needed him, but Noah told Luke that he should go on with his life without him. That he should find somebody who loved him back, as much as he deserved it, somebody who could make him so happy as he deserved to be. Even if they hadn’t know each other for a long time, Luke knew that Noah was the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. People would have called him crazy if he would tell anybody about it, but that was what he feels. Luke had always blamed himself after Noah had left him, he thought he had put too much pressure on him, during his coming out and that he had told him to soon about his feelings for him. He would never forget how Noah had reacted when he told him for the first time that he loved him. Noah hadn’t believed him. Luke knew that he hadn’t reacted like that because he didn’t want him to believe, it was all Noah’s father fault. Winston had never razzed his son with love, he just taught him how to be a real man, without showing any feelings. When Noah had sensed for the first time that Luke loved him, he got scared and ran away, because he didn’t know how to deal with all the new feelings he had never had before. Luke was still asking himself if it had been a mistake to not follow Noah, to fight for him, to fight for their love. Even if Noah had never told him that he loved him back, he new he had. But was it really worth to fight for someone how wasn’t ready to be with the guy who loved him more than anything? At first Luke was hoping that Noah would soon realize that it was a mistake to run away from his feelings, but every day the hope died a little bit more. He realized that he would never been able to feel his strong loving arms around him, while their were making a moonlight walk around the pond, that he would never feel his soft lips on his own again or seeing the ocean blue eyes again which he loved so much. The Truth is, that Luke missed Noah every day, every hour and every minute. He didn’t want to find someone else, he didn’t want to fall in love again with someone else. All what he wanted was being with Noah again. While he was daydreaming about Noah again, Luke headed to Java, where they had spend much time together. Everytime Luke had went to Java when Noah was still working there, Noah had known already what he wanted to drink. He always had taken a short break from work, to sit with Luke on one of the tables, holding his hand, while Luke drank his coffee. Luke was so lost in his thoughts that he almost ran into somebody when he left Java, he lifted his head and looked into the beautiful blue eyes, which he had missed so much in the last 7 months and 11 days. Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah. No I am really going crazy, I see him standing in front of me, but he can’t be here. It can’t be true, he can’t come back after all the time. Luke closed his eyes for a few seconds, but when he opened them again, Noah was still standing in front of him. “Hey Luke.” He heard the voice out of Noah’s mouth saying. He is really here, he is talking to me. I can’t believe he is back. “Noah. What - Why are you back in Oakdale?”, was the only thing Luke managed to say, while he felt his heart beating faster in his chest and forgot almost to breath. Noah looked shyly down on his feets. “I - I am going back to OU.” Is that the only reason why he is back in Oakdale?Collage? Would should I say to him? Good for you? But before Luke could think about what he could say to Noah, the dark haired guy lifted his head, looked at Luke and to continue to speak. “How have you been? Everything alright?” NO! I missed you like crazy, every minute you idiot. I can’t tell him that, he is going to run away again, before I even got the chance to spend time with him. “Yeah I am fine. How about you?” Noah opened his mouth to answer the question but at the very moment somebody ran past them and bumped him right into Luke’s body. Luke couldn’t think anymore, all he wanted to do was kissing Noah, holding him close in his arms and never let him go again. Without thinking he pressed his lips onto Noah’s, but Noah slowly pushed him back only seconds later. Noah could see the hurt in his eyes. “Please, Luke. Listen to me, I have to say this first. When I left 7 months ago, I was scared. Scared that someone can love me, I have never had someone who did that before. Scared because of my own feelings, we only knew each other 3 months and I never wanted to be without you anymore, that scared the shit out of me. I - I felt like I couldn’t give you enough and I couldn’t believe how such an lovely and kind guy could love me.” Noah placed his hands gently on Luke’s cheeks. “I would understand I’ve you have move on with somebody else, like I told you ... but Luke, I love you, so much.” The blonde guy wasn’t sure if he was dreaming right now, it felt like he was in paradise, he hadn’t believed that he would ever see Noah again and now they were standing here and he was touching him and telling him that he loved him, he was near to tears. “7 months and 11 days.” Luke said with a tearful voice. “Not 7 months, it were 7 months and 11 days you were away. I missed you every day, every minute Noah, I never wanted to be with somebody else. I love you.” They world around them didn’t exist anymore at that moment, they kissed and hugged each other tightly, never wanting to stop this moment.

one-shots, pairing: luke/noah

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