FIC: The Third Roommate (2/?)

Dec 04, 2011 15:23

Title: The Third Roommate
Rating: PG-13
Genres: AU, Romance, Angst
Word Count: ~ 2,150
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Characters are property of ATWT, CBS, P&G etc. No profit is made from this fan creation. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: It's time for Luke to move to Chicago. Thanks to my beta ditzybea!

During the next two weeks Luke became even more nervous, but he was also growing excited with every passing day. His move was approached quickly as was his new job. He hated the waiting before the move; he wanted to start his new life in Chicago sooner rather than later and Luke tried to keep himself busy with work at the Foundation, hoping that it would somehow help to make the time pass by faster.

The blond had yet to meet Reid, his other roommate. He had only talked to him over the phone once, when he had tried to reach Jason. The phone call had lasted less than a minute and yes, Reid had been rude before he hang up on him, but it didn't really worry him. Whenever he did talk to Jason over the phone to clarify something about the upcoming move though, their conversation often turned into a private one and sometimes lasted longer than an hour. He had a feeling that they could become friends in no time.

When the movers finally came to pick up his already packed moving boxes and the other furniture he wanted to take with him to Chicago, Luke knew that the day he had been waiting for was almost here. It was mostly clothes and personal things that he would take along, since the apartment already was well-provided. He gave away everything that he didn't need anymore, happy that he could delight some of his friends by doing something so simple.

Luke enjoyed his last evening in Oakdale having a BBQ in the backyard of the farm, while he was surrounded by his family and close friends. His mom had offered to throw a party for him, but this was all that he wanted. Of course he would miss being able to see his family and friends whenever he wanted, but it wasn't like he was out of the world, he was only one hour car drive away. By the end of the night everybody embraced him and wished him the best of luck, before the blond spent the night at his old room at the farm.


"Welcome home!" Jason cheerfully greeted his new roommate when he opened the apartment door.

"Hey." Luke smiled and stepped forward to put the suitcase which held the rest of his things down on the floor, before he engaged Jason into a quick hug. "It's good to be here at last."

"Come on let's go to the kitchen, I have a little something for you." Jason said, already heading for the kitchen area. "You can unpack your stuff later."

"Okay." Luke mumbled, curiously following the older man. When they neared the kitchen island he saw a blueberry pie on the counter and had to smile.

"Ta-da!" Jason proclaimed while he was pointing at the cake. "I have to admit that I only bought it because it ends in a disaster whenever I try to bake something, but I hope you like it."

"Thank you so much." Luke said, who was touched by the gesture. "That's so nice of you. It looks really delicious."

"Well I guess there is only one way to find out." Jason opened the utensil drawer, taking out a cake knife. "Why don't you get us something to drink out of the fridge, while I cut the pie? I'm having a coke."

"Sure." The blond grabbed two cans of coke out of the fridge and put them on the counter, before he sat down on one of the bar stools. Jason joined him a minute later sliding him a plate with the piece of pie. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Jason said, before shoving a forkful of blueberry pie into his mouths. "Hmm this is really good. By the way I think there is a great chance that you'll actually meet Reid today."

"Well I'm not sure if I am looking forward to that, after the phone call I had with him a while ago." Luke teased, while he secretly couldn't wait to put a face to the voice.

"You can't say I didn't warn you about him." Jason chuckled and Luke joined in. "Honestly I'm glad that you're here. I mean like I said, Reid is my best friend but it can be kind of exhausting sometimes when he's so grumpy most of the time."

Luke joked that some people told him that he can be pretty bitchy when he is having a bad day and that he'd better be careful, causing Jason to laugh out loud. They chatted for almost another hour, including Luke talking about his last evening in Oakdale and Jason explaining how they handled things like keeping the apartment clean and buying groceries while both of them ate two pieces of blueberry pie and drank their sodas.

"Well thank you for giving me such a nice welcome, but I guess I should get my butt in gear and start arranging my furniture." Luke said, sliding down from the bar stool.

"I still can't believe you want to do it all on your own." Jason said. "Why is that?"

The blond shrugged his shoulders. "My dad and I kind of have been building stuff since I was kid. He taught me a lot of things. It's just something I like to do. It's relaxing in an odd sort of way."

Jason nodded. "Do you need a hand?"

"I think I can handle the shelves but I guess I could use some help with my desk and my bed." Luke admitted. "But only if you have time."

"I have the rest of the day off, so why not? Let's do it!"


Jason followed Luke's instructions and the two men managed to put up the desk and mounting a couple of shelves to the wall, making good progress. They decided to take a short break for some water. Both of them were sweating and it was pretty warm in the apartment on the humid summer day.

When they were halfway done with the bed, Luke suddenly saw someone standing in the doorway out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to look at him, stopping death in tracks. He felt a weird fluttering in his stomach when he watched the auburn haired man, who was holding a pie pan in his hand and was currently shoveling blueberry pie into his mouth; he had obviously been watching them.

Jason noticed that his new roommate had suddenly stopped working and was now staring at something. He looked over his shoulder and sighed when he saw Reid standing in the doorway. "Reid how about you help us instead of just standing there watching us?" He muttered, wiping away the sweat from his forehead.

"I would love to but you know that I can't risk hurting my hands." Reid said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, before he shoved another bite of pie into his mouth. Hearing a snort coming from the blond he turned to look at the younger man. Reid had pretended not to listen when Jason told him about their new roommate, however he did remember that he told him that Luke was gay and he had to admit that the sight of the young blond in a tight shirt, his hair was wet from sweat, wasn't half bad.

Only when a bottle cap come flying into his direction and nearly hit his head, Reid tore his eyes away from the blond and grumbled "Hey watch it man!" glaring at his friend.

"At least I didn't throw the entire bottle." Jason replied snappishly. "What the heck do you think you're doing? Eating Luke's pie?"

"So what?" Reid shrugged his shoulders. "It's a really delicious pie." He watched as the blond made his way over to him, thinking that he probably wanted to formally introduce himself, but was taken by complete surprise when the younger man snatched the aluminum pie pan out of his hand and shoved the last bite of blueberry pie into his own mouth.

"You're right," Luke mumbled with his mouth full "it is a really delicious pie."

Reid glared at Jason, who was snickering quietly, before he turned on his heels to leave, muttering something under his breath. Good-looking or not, he already didn't like their new roommate.

"Nice to meet you too!" Luke cat-called at the older man, hearing a faint "whatever" before a door got slammed shut. "Well that was interesting."

"I'm sorry," Jason said, but still had a smile on his lips "but that was actually kind of awesome. I have a feeling that it's gonna be interesting to live with the two of you."

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "I somehow managed to survive the two years relationship with my ex-boyfriend, who was prick. I think I can handle your friend. I'm fine, believe me."

Jason nodded his head, deciding that now wasn't the right time to ask what happened with Luke's ex-boyfriend. "So should we finish what we started?"

"Let's go!" Luke said, clapping his hands.

Half an hour later they were finally done with everything and Luke let himself fall onto the bed, closing his eyes for a moment. "Thank you so much for your help man." He braced himself on his elbows. "I will repay you with dinner sometime."

"That's really not necessary... but if you insist." Jason grinned. "How about right now? I'm starving."

Luke chuckled. "I think I'll pass. I'm too nervous to eat anything. I think I'm just gonna unpack some of my stuff and take a shower before I call my parents and then I will go right to bed." The blond said. "But maybe another time?"

"Alright. And don't be nervous." Jason said. "I'm sure you'll do just fine on your first day at the Trib."

"I hope you're right." Luke gave him a nervous smile. "See you tomorrow morning at breakfast?"

"Yeah. Good night Luke."

"Good night."

Sleep didn't come for a long time for Luke that night.


It was quiet in the apartment when Luke made his way into the kitchen the next morning. He leaned against the kitchen counter while he waited for the coffee machine to brew the coffee. It was still too early to leave for work, but he simply couldn't sleep anymore. It didn't really surprise him, since he always had trouble sleeping whenever there was a change in his life.

Just when Luke poured himself the second cup of coffee Jason entered the kitchen. "Morning."

"Good morning Luke." Jason opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. "How did you sleep?"

"I didn't get much sleep." Luke replied with a shrug of his shoulder. "But I know I will feel better after I survived the first day."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." The older man said, squeezing Luke's shoulder for a moment. "I wanna go for a run and then I'm meeting a friend before my shift at the hospital starts, so we probably won't see each other again today, but how about we have dinner together tomorrow?"

"Sure. That would be nice" Luke smiled.

"Okay. It's a date." Jason winked at the blond, before he turned to leave. "See you tomorrow and good luck today."

"Thank you." Luke replied and a moment later Jason was out of the door.

His stomach growled and he decided to have at least some corn flakes for breakfast. It took him a few minutes before he found all the supplies and then he sat down to eat. He was halfway done when Reid suddenly entered the room, wearing nothing but a pair of tight black jeans; making Luke almost choke on his corn flakes. "Um, hey, there's still coffee in the pot if you want any?"

Reid ignored the younger man, but grabbed a coffee mug out of the cabinet and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"You're not really a morning person huh?" Luke tried again.

Sighing Reid finally faced the blond. "I'm just going to make this clear to you Mr. Snyder. I don't do chit-chat and I'm not going to be your friend, so why don't you just leave me alone."

Luke snorted. He grabbed his bowl of corn flakes and headed into the direction of his bedroom without another word. To deal with an asshole like Reid was really the last thing he needed right now.

Reid watched the younger man leave the kitchen and head for his bedroom. He leaned against the counter, sipped his coffee, and watched Luke's ass move under the fabric of his dress pants. He was young, annoying, and a pain, but he did have a sweet ass. This was definitely going to be interesting living with this guy. 'I wonder how long he'll last before he packs up and head back home to mom and dad.' Reid thought as he refilled his coffee and thought about what he wanted for breakfast.

fic: the third roommate, pairing: luke/reid

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