
Sep 28, 2011 20:38

Title: Comfort
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 2,100
Disclaimer: This is just for fun. I don't own, characters belong to ATWT, CBS, P&G, etc.
Summary: Reid gets bad news and he needs Luke.
Author's Note: Written July 2010

Luke sat in the living room on the brand new leather couch, which had finally been delivered today. His laptop and some papers from the Foundation were lying in his lap and he was looking out of the window. It was a cold January evening and although it was already dark outside, he could see the snowflakes falling silently to the ground, due to the street lamp right in front of the house.

A smile spread out on his face. Even though most people hated the winter, it was his favourite season. He seemed to love the season even more since Reid was his boyfriend. Who would have thought that Reid Oliver loved walks through the snow as much as he did?

They had just moved into this house together a few weeks ago, after Reid had asked him to move in together at new year's eve just a few minutes before midnight. After spending their first Christmas together with Luke's family at the farm, it had been the perfect start for them into the new year and Luke had never felt happier in his life before.

Luke had been so excited that he wanted to plan everything right away. Reid had given him free rein to decide everything on his own. Actually after Luke ask him a question for what felt like the hundredths time starting with 'Would you rather like .... or?', Reid's words had more sounded like "Luke, I don't care about the colour of the couch or whatever. I just want a big fridge where I can put my beer and ingredients for my sandwiches. And even if you decide that we'll have pink curtains, I will still move in with you."

Chuckling, Luke had just kissed him. He knew that it had been Reid's way to tell him that he would be happy wherever they would live together, as long as they could just be together. So he was glad that they found this little house so soon, which wasn't to far away from the hospital nor the Foundation and that they could move in only a few weeks later.

The sound of the front door being unlocked and slammed shut only seconds later, woke Luke up out of his thoughts. He stood up from the couch and walked out of the living room to greet his boyfriend.

Reid was just about to take off his jacket, not noticing that Luke had come out of the living room until he heard his voice. "Hey, you're home. Guess what? I was just thinking---" Luke stopped talking as soon as he saw the look at Reid's face. It was filled with lust and desire.

It was something else there in that look, something he hadn't seen often since he was with Reid, so he couldn't place it right away. But he didn't have time to think about it now, because seconds later he found himself carefully pushed against the wall behind him. Luke could feel Reid's breath on his face, which definitely didn't match the temperatures outside. Reid pushed their groins together and although they were both still fully dressed, Luke could feel that Reid was already getting hard.

He groaned.

Luke opened his mouth to speak, but before he got a chance to say a word, his boyfriends lips were already on his own. The kiss started roughly, with Reid's hand in Luke's hair, but soon it turned more gentle.

They broke the kiss when they both needed to gasp for air. Reid leaned his forehead against Luke's and whispered. "I want you Luke. Now. Can you feel how much I need you?"

Luke just nodded. Hell, he would be stupid if he would say no to this. He let himself get dragged upstairs, right into their bedroom, where Reid immediately pushed him down on the bed. He stripped out of his shirt and tight jeans, before he followed Luke onto the bed.

They faced each other and Reid pulled his lover hungrily into another kiss. Their legs were now tangled together, wanting to be as close to each other as possible. Reid's hand found his way under Luke's shirt, caressing his back until he broke the kiss to pull the shirt off.

Reid didn't take the time to plant kisses all over Luke's upper body, nor to such his nipples or his earlobes, what would always drive Luke insane. Not today. He needed Luke. Needed to be come deep inside of him. Now, now, now.

He unzipped his boyfriends jeans, after unbuttoning them and pulled the jeans and Luke's boxers off at the same time. After throwing them next to the bed, Reid grabbed Luke's semi hard dick and started to stroke it firmly while he leaned down teased Luke's bottom lip with his tongue before he kissed him again.


Luke had no idea what had gotten into his boyfriend today, but it turned him on like hell. He moved his hips to the movement of Reid stroking his now harden cock. Reid suddenly picked up some pace, causing Luke to moan into the kiss.

But then suddenly Reid's mouth and hand were gone and Luke whimpered. Reid grabbed the supplies out of the nightstand drawer, throwing them onto the bed next to them. Luke who was already missing Reid's warm hands and mouth on his body, quickly pulled Reid back down to him, attacking him with another kiss and squeezing his ass.

A few moments later Reid broke the kiss, to grab the lube. After putting some of it on his fingers, he started to tease Luke's hole. Luke spread his legs even further apart and moaned his boyfriends name over and over again. "Reid, Reid, Reid, Reid ...."

Reid slowly pushed the first finger inside him, feeling that Luke was pushing back against it, wanting him to do it faster. The second finger followed soon after and Reid could feel Luke relax after a while. He looked up at his boyfriend who had his eyes closed. "Luke, please look at me." And when Luke did, he said. "Do you love me? I just .... I need you to tell me."

Normally Luke would have probably teased him with something like asking him if he had suddenly turned into a romantic sap, but somehow he could see it in Reid's eyes that he needed to hear the words, even if he had told him multiple times that he loved him.

He covered his boyfriends cheeks with his hands and looked him deep in the eyes. "I need you in my life Reid. I can't live without you anymore, you're the air that I breathe ... you are everything to me. I love you so much." Their lips met again and parted moments later, so that Reid probed his mouth with his warm tongue.

Suddenly the fingers which had been moving inside him were gone and Reid broke the kiss to look at him again. "Luke ... I know we have never done this without a condom but ... do you trust me? ... I need to feel you. I mean really feel you and I want to fill you up. I just---"

Luke held his finger onto Reid's lips to stop him from talking and said. "I trust you baby."

After planting a quick kiss on Luke's lips, Reid quickly grabbed the lube to cover up his now throbbing cock with it. He placed himself between Luke's spread legs and slowly started to enter his boyfriends hole. Moans of pleasure filled the room, when Reid soon picked up the pace and Luke started to jerk himself.

"Love you, love you, love you." Luke groaned over and over again.

* * * * * * * * * *

Luke let the towel, he had just used to clean Reid and himself up, fall next to the bed. When he turned back , he found Reid lying on his side, facing away from him. He covered them both with a blanket, before they could get cold. After that he snuggled up to his boyfriend, wrapping his arm around his waist. Immediately Reid snuggled back against him.

He waited until Reid would talk to him. Luke knew that something must have happened, the only time he had seen the same expression on Reid's face like the one he had when he came home a while ago, was a few months ago when one of Reid's patients had died.

Luke softly placed a few kisses on Reid's shoulder and neck and said with a soft voice. "Talk to me baby."

For a long while silence filled the room, Reid didn't say a word. Luke already thought that he was drifting off to sleep, when he suddenly turned around in his arms to look at him. Reid swallowed. "I got a call today, just when I was about to leave the hospital." He paused. "My father died today."

Knowing that Reid hated to hear things like 'I'm so sorry', Luke simply pulled him onto his body, so that Reid was lying between his legs, his head rested on his shoulder. And suddenly everything made sense to him. Why Reid needed him to tell him why he loved him. 'Cause even though Luke didn't know much about Reid's father, his boyfriend once had told him that he wasn't loved by his father. Every time Luke tried to bring up the topic again, Reid would block it or suddenly find and excuse to leave.

Luke stroked his hand up and down Reid's back. "What happened?"

So Reid told him about the accident his father had been involved. A car accident. He had a heart attack on his way back home from the grocery store. The car crashed into a tree at the roadside, he had been instantly dead.

Reid tried to snuggle closer to Luke, as if he was holding on to dear life. His voice was barely louder than a whisper when he spoke. "I had this crazy idea that the relationship with my father would change someday. That when I only would make him proud enough, that everything could be better between him and I."

It hurt Luke to hear his Reid talking like that way and that he felt this way. There was a moment of silence between them again, as if Luke was waiting if is boyfriend needed to get something else off his chest.

"Baby, do you remember the day when we were at this Cafe in Dallas, where we were meeting with your mom?" He could feel that Reid was nodding against his shoulder. "When you were talking on the phone outside, your mom told me something. She told me that she observed your dad who was secretly collecting all the newspaper articles about you. The best brain surgeon in the country."

He could feel Reid tensing up against him and Luke kissed him on the head. "He just couldn't show you how proud he was and that he loved you." He paused for a moment. "She also told me that your dad wanted to be a surgeon himself, but that it had never come to that. She thought that it was the reason that he couldn't show you how proud he was."

Reid lifted his head from Luke's shoulder to look at him, his eyes were full of tears. "Really? That's what she said?"

"Yes." Luke said, because there really wasn't anything else to say.

"I wish he would have told me." Reid sniffed and cuddled closer to his boyfriend again. He was so thankful and happy in this moment that he didn't have to go through this alone, because when he would have to, he probably would have hooked up with some random guy he had met at a bar, leaving him feeling even worse afterwards. But he could be with the man he loved and who loved him back.

"I know baby, I know." Luke replied.

"I can't go to the funeral." Reid said with a shaky voice.

"Shhh." Luke was rubbing circles on his boyfriends back again, hoping that it would help him to calm down. "I know this isn't easy for you Reid, but you should think about it again. You might regret it later if you don't. And what about your mom? She will need you there."

There was a long moment of silence again before Reid said. "Will you go with me?"

"Every step of the way."

Reid knew that he meant it, and not just for the funeral, and that let him slowly drift into sleep.

pairing: luke/reid, one-shots

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