Back to Oakdale

Sep 28, 2011 20:25

Title: Back to Oakdale
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: PG
Summary: Luke and Reid are flying back to Oakdale together.
Disclaimer: This is just for fun. I don't own, characters belong to ATWT, CBS, P&G, etc.
Author's Notes: No beta. Written April 2010.

Luke Snyder was sitting in his seat on his grandmother's private jet on the way back to Oakdale, staring out of the window. The only sounds he was aware of were coming from the machinery of the plane and a rhythmic typing on a laptop, coming from the only other passenger in the private yet, seated on the opposite from him.

The blonde couldn't help it but repeat the moment of the kiss in his head over and over again. He hadn't seen it coming, it had just happened. Dr. Oliver had kissed him. And he couldn't stop imagining what it would feel like to kiss him back.

"I wanted to kiss you. And I wanted to kiss you for a long time. Luke." The words echoed in Luke's head.

Only a few hours ago, Luke would have told anybody that the doctor hated him. Obviously not so much.

He glanced over to Reid, who was still typing on his laptop, acting like nothing had happened between them only a hour ago in the hotel room in Dallas.

Luke couldn't deny that it felt good to be wanted again and to actually hear somebody saying it. So far he had always been the one who wanted a guy, first Kevin then Noah, it was exciting and new for him that it seemed to be different this time.

Suddenly a chuckle coming from Reid interrupted Luke's thoughts, causing him to look a the doctor, who was looking at him with a amused look on his face. Luke lifted a eyebrow and gave the doctor a puzzled look. "What's so funny?"

Reid closed his laptop and put it in the empty seat next to him. "You have never been so quiet before and it amuses me that a simple kiss can do that to you." He said and grinned. "If I had known that before, I would have kissed you months ago."

The blonde rolled his eyes. "Can't you be serious for a few minutes? You just kissed me out of the blue, tell me that you wanted it and than you just leave, without talking about it to me!"

"I think I made it perfectly clear that I wanted to kiss you Mr. Snyder, what is there to talk about?" Reid replied.

Luke snorted. "Well maybe that I thought that you hated me. And stop calling me Mr. Snyder, I told you it's just Luke and you called me by my name earlier."

The doctor let out a deep breath. "You're thinking about this to much, don't make more out of it than it was. That's why I hate getting involved with other people, they always get emotional."

"You know" Luke said, arms crossed against his chest "I have no idea why you're like that and why you so scared to show that you're human, but I believe that you do care about people. About me."

There was a moment of silence between them, Reid was torn between being honest or making another snarky remark. He took the easy way out. "All I care about right now, is getting back to Oakdale, having a beer and watching a movie, before I can finally get back to work tomorrow."

Luke had to laugh about that.

"Now what's so funny about that?" Reid asked and raised an eyebrow.

The blonde shook his head, a smile still on his face and leaned forward, so that his hands were almost touching Reid's knees. "You are watching movies Dr. Oliver?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing. I just thought that people like you would only read medical books or the medical files from your patients." He teased. "That sounds like so much fun." Luke joked.

"Very funny Mr. Snyder." Reid replied. He actually had to bite his lip, keeping him from smiling. At the same time he got annoyed, why hadn't he just kept his mouth shut anyway?

Reid decided he would just ignore the cute blonde for the rest of the flight and grabbed the laptop from the seat next to him. But before he could even start it up, Luke grabbed it out of his hands. "What are you doing?" He asked with a annoyed voice.

"This conversation is not over", said Luke and sat down next to the doctor.

Dr. Oliver sighed. "Look, I already told you everything you wanted to know. If you want humanity then go to your boyfriend ... ex-boyfriend and talk to him. Maybe Noah has a shoulder to cry on for you."

Luke snorted. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what exactly?" Reid asked.

"Why are you bringing Noah into this conversation? He had nothing to do with this, or with what happened back into the hotel room." Luke answered.

"What exactly do you think happened in the hotel room?" Reid held his hand up to stop the blonde from answering the question, suddenly regretting that he had asked the question. "Don't answer that. I'm just going to repeat myself one last time. Don't read to much into it!"

"So what are you saying," Luke leaned closer to the doctor. "that a kiss is just a kiss?"

"It won't happen again, unless you want it too." Reid replied with a soft voice, looking right into the hazel eyes of the blonde.

Luke was stunned, Reid really wanted to kiss him again. After a moment of silence he said "What I want right now, is to know how it feels to kiss you. I mean really kiss you."

Reid swallowed. That wasn't the kind of reaction he had expected. He thought that the blonde would probably yell at him or even stop trying to talk to him, but not that.

"I won't hold you ---" The rest of Reid's words were cut off by Luke's sensual lips on his own. Their lips were slowly dancing with each other, until Luke placed his hand on the back of Reid's head to deepen the kiss. They moaned into the kiss and they didn't break the kiss not before they both needed to gasp for air.

They both leaned back into their seats, trying to get their breath back to normal.

Reid was the one who broke the silence between them. "That wasn't so bad." He turned his head to look at Luke.

Luke shook his head. "No, it wasn't." He admitted. "So what now? Where do we go from here?" He asked, now looking at the doctor.

"Why don't we just wait and see what will happen?" Reid suggested.

"Okay." Luke gave him a small smile. "But I wanna watch that movie with you tonight. Whatever it will be you want to watch." He said and grinned.

Reid nodded and smiled. "I think I can handle that."

pairing: luke/reid, one-shots

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