I need you (One-Shot)

Nov 24, 2009 22:34

Title: I need you
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: This is just for fun. I don’t own, characters belong to ATWT, CBS, P&G, etc.
Author's Notes: No beta. Sorry for the mistakes. This is written in Noah's POV. He is still blind, but tired of being mad.

The battery of my MP3 player is dead. Usually that wouldn’t be a big problem, I would just get up, change the battery and I could listen to my music again. But it isn’t that easy anymore. I take the ear buds out to put the MP3 player onto the nightstand, but when I hear a silent thud seconds later I know that it landed at the floor.

That was one of the things I still could do without any help, listen to the playlist of my MP3 player. A playlist which is starting to bore me. But do I have another choice? I am feeling useless and I don’t want anybody to waste their time with something stupid like update my playlist.

I know that it is my fault that I am being stuck for the most of time in this room for the past three weeks. Lily, Damian, Holden and especially Luke keep asking me if I want to go outdoors, to take a walk. But I don’t see the point of that. I can’t see anything here and that sure won’t change when I am going for a walk.

Luke spends hours with me in this room, even if I keep sending him away. He then reads something to me out of a book or the newspaper although I pretend that I am not listening to him. I love listening to his voice, something I wasn’t aware of when I could still see his hazel eyes and his soft blonde hair.

It is like it has been yesterday when we made love for first time. In this room. In this bed. Right now, I wouldn’t mind to go back to that day.

It happened so much since that day, but there was one person who was always on my side. Luke. I still love him and I am so tired of being mad at him, of being mad at everybody.

Just so tired.

I hear a silent knock on the door and somebody walking in the room moments later. I know it is Luke. I can figure it out by the sound of the knock on the door, besides he is the only one who walks into the room in silence, just as if he is waiting for me to say something first.

He sits down on the bed next to me, still not talking. I notice that his breath has another rhythm as naturally. I can feel that he is nervous about something.

“Noah, I have to talk to you about something.” Luke finally says, after what felt like minutes.

I can hear in the tone of his voice that it has to be something serious and suddenly I am not sure if I want to hear what he has to say to me.

“Okay.” Is the only word I manage to get out of my mouth.

“On that day you come home from the hospital, when I left you alone after you asked me to trash your movie, I ran into a guy from your film crew in Old Town.”


“And?” I ask, knowing that there has to be more he wants to tell me.

Luke takes a deep breath. “I asked him if he could help me to finish your movie. He agreed and I also talked to your new advisor, they are all OK with it.“

“What? Are you kidding me? Why did you do that? That’s not what I want Luke! I can’t see it anyway!” I yell at him.

“Would you just shut up for a moment?” He yells back.

All the time ever after I got home from the hospital, he has never been so angry like in that moment, so I remain in silence.

“I know that you can’t see it, but when you don’t finish the movie you can’t graduate from college. They said you just have to come with me to the film sets and I do anything you tell me to do.”

I hear him sob. Is he crying? Another sob. He is crying.

His voice is low when he speaks again. “Please Noah. I still believe that you are getting better and I know you would regret it later that you haven’t finished your movie.”

I don’t know what to say to him. How can he still have the faith to think that I might get better? Well, I had faith when he was in the wheelchair and thought that he could never walk again. Tears which I can’t hold back any longer start to run down my cheeks. Suddenly I feel Luke’s arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer into his body. And I let him.

It’s the first time I allow myself to cry since the accident. Because that is what it was. An accident. Even when Mason hadn’t been fired that day and even if I haven’t had a fight with Luke about it, the fireworks would have still exploded in my face.

I don’t know for how long we were lying in the bed together, just holding each other close, with no words need to be said, before I speak again, with my head still resting against Luke’s chest. “Let’s do it.”

“What? You mean …?” He asks in a surprised tone.

“Yeah, I mean let’s finish the movie. But I can’t do it without you Luke, I need you.”

I feel that he is pulling me closer into his body again and a kiss being placed on my forehead. “I will be right by your side babe.”

“I am so tired Luke. Can you stay with me tonight?”

“There is no place I would rather be, than here with you.” He replies before he helps me out of the bed to undress me. With Luke’s help I slide down under the blanket. After he has undressed himself as well, he crawls back into the bed with me and I snuggle close to him again.



“When I said that I need you, I didn’t mean that I just need you to finish my movie. I need you in my life, I can’t even think about living it without you.”

“I love you Noah.” He says and seconds later I feel his lips caressing mine. I want to pull him closer to deepen the kiss but I stop him anyway. “What’s wrong?” Luke immediately wants to know.

“Nothing. I was just wondering if we are still allowed to kiss each other.” I say and can’t hold back a grin any longer. “You know, we are brothers now.”

“Noah!” Luke chuckled. How much have I missed that sound?

“In name only. Besides that isn’t going to stop me from kissing you.” He whispers softly into my ear.

“Didn’t think so.” I reply, feeling better than in a long time. “Now kiss me again.” He does and it was like I could see a light at the end of the tunnel.

one-shots, pairing: luke/noah

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