(Never) without you - Chapter 5

Oct 09, 2009 16:37

Title: (Never) without you
Chapter: 5
Characters: Luke, Noah, Damian, Jeff
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,045
Beta: geezlouise from the Wiki, thank you!
Disclaimer: This is just for fun. I don’t own, characters belong to ATWT, CBS, P&G, etc.
Author's Notes: Sequel to the real me. Comments are very welcome.

Luke woke up shivering. The freezing temperatures outside matched Noah's side of their bed. Half asleep, Luke thought for a moment Noah was in the bathroom getting ready for work. How he wished to hear the shower running or even the toilet flushing. But all Luke heard was a loud, deafening silence.The red digital numerals on Noah's clock radio flashed 4:45 a.m. Luke grabbed Grandma Emma's quilt from the foot of the bed. Wrapping it around himself against the early morning chill, Luke walked off in search of Noah.

He turned on the ceiling light in the small hallway between their bedroom and the small second bedroom Luke and Noah used as a home office. Maybe Noah had just sacked out in there.

But nothing had been disturbed in the room. The dark green fulton haven't been opened. Noah's editing equipment felt cold to the touch while Luke's reference books remain at attention atop his closed roll-top desk. Nothing was out of place.

Luke next checked the kitchen and living room. The mixing bowls were still out on the counter in preparation for the supper they never shared. The note Luke left for Noah laid undisturbed in the key basket by the front door. Luke plucked his cell phone from the charger while collapsing on the couch.

Damn...no new messages. No missed calls. No signs of Noah.

He sighed and looked at the picture preserved as wallpaper on his cell. It was taken several weeks ago during a long weekend with Tony and Reg in New York City. The picture taken in front of the Hard Rock Cafe was of Noah with a really funny grin and Luke looking up adorningly at his boyfriend.

"I think I fell even more with you at that moment." Luke smiled as he slowly traced the cell photo screen with his finger before closing it and sliding the phone into the pocket of his hoodie. Luke didn't bother taking a shower or changing clothes.

"Since Noah won't answer my calls, I'll just have to find him. Hopefully he's at Java."

Luke grabbed his keys and headed out for the coffee shop.

What would normally take 10 minutes to walk, took less than five for Luke running all the way. His heart beat faster in anticipation of seeing Noah. How he missed him.

Taking one last deep breath, he pushed in on Java's front door only to found Jeff and no Noah.

"Oh God. He's not here."

"Hey, Luke!"

Everything around Luke started spinning. Feeling faint, he grabbed onto a bar stool to keep himself upright.

Jeff quickly came around the counter and helped Luke into a chair close by. He offered a glass of water.

Luke took a few gulps. "Thank you. Have you seen Noah? I thought maybe he was working today."

"No. Noah's not on again for a couple of days. Look, do you want me to call him for you?"

"How I wish you could do that, Jeff. But I don't know where he is." Luke's voice started to break. "To tell you the truth. I'm really starting to get worried."

"What happened?"

"We had a fight yesterday afternoon at the apartment. Noah stormed out and I haven't seen him since. I'm beginning to think something's happened to him. I mean we've never been apart this long without Noah at least calling or texting me."

"You're right. Noah would have contacted you. He's one of the most conscientious people I know."

While Luke and Jeff were talking, a group of college students came into Java. Jeff patted Luke on the shoulder. "Look I've got to take care of this caffeine-hungry mob. Are you sure you don't want me to call anybody?"

Luke shook his head. "No thanks. But if you do see or hear from Noah tell him to call me?"

"Will do. I'm sure Noah will call you ....sooner or later."

Luke stood up and slowly walked out into a cold, biting wind. He pulled up the hood of his sweatshirt and buried his hands in the pockets. His right hand squeezed his cell phone.

"God, what am I going to do now? Noah, why don't you call?"


Slivers of early daylight passed between the wooden planks covering the portal and into the crew's quarters aboard the Grimaldi Shipping Lines tug boat in the marina. Noah could barely see his hand in front of his eyes as he sat against the wall on the stripped bed.

"How did I get here? The last thing I remember was walking through the alley between Fashions and Java on my way back to the apartme t ... and Luke. God he must be so worried."

Noah's head felt like 100 soldiers were marching through his skull. He tried to lift his left hand only to feel a searing, sharp pain. "What the hell?” Links from a chain dug into his wrist. Noah ran his right hand along the length of metal and pulled against the lock secured to the bed frame.

"What's this? HELP!” Noah banged on the walls with his free right hand. "HELP! Someone help me." His voice trailed off as his throat became parched. Cloudy images passed through his mind. Damian handing him an envelope and Luke and Noah fighting.

"Something happened with Damian. Luke and I fought because of Damian. I told Luke to give his father another chance. But Luke was right. Damian wasn't to be trusted. He tried to buy pay me off. Shit!"

Noah suddenly heard a key turning in the lock. Somebody had heard his cries. "I'm in here." He tried to yell. The door opened and a tall thin man carrying a lantern walked in.


"You can scream all you want, Noah. But nobody will hear you.This place is deserted." Damian smirked.

"Why am I here? Where's Luke? What have you done with him?"

Damian laughed out loud.

"I just want what is best for Luciano. Some day he will understand. He may even thank me for helping him get over you and this whole idiot gay business." He took a few steps toward Noah. "I'm helping him become a proper man and part of the process involves getting rid of you."

"You're disgusting. Do you know that? What are you going to tell Luke? He won't believe that I just left him."

"Don't you think I know that? I pride myself on eliminating obstacles like you." Damian casually stood with one hand in his pant's pocket. "His involvement with people like you is just a slight detour on his journey to became a proper Grimaldi.”

"People like me? You mean Luke's boyfriend. I can't wait to hear how you're going to do that."

"I offered you money Noah, an opportunity to start over again beginning at Northwestern. But you were too proud to accept my generousity. You tore up that check and shoved the pieces back into my hand. Now you're going to write Luke, telling him that it's over and that you're leaving town."

Damian grabbed a loose-leaf clipboard off the table and pulled a pen out of his breast pocket. "Here.Write."

"And if I don't...?" Noah raised an eyebrow.

"You don't want me to hurt Luke psychologically, right?" Damian grinned. "I am sure he'll need his friends after you leave. Friends like Tony and Reg." Damian explained to the shocked Noah that with one phone call he could have Tony and Reg meet with an unfortunate fatal accident.

"And nobody not even the great Oakdale Detective Jack Snyder will be able to trace it back to me." Damian's grin was broader now. "Luciano won't take it very well to lose three close friends so close to one another. It's better if he thinks that you just didn't want to be with him anymore."

"Luke will never believe that I just decided to call it quits so soon."

"Well you better make it sound damn convincing or else." Damian raised the back of his hand toward Noah as if he was about to strike him.

"Shit..this fucking asshole."

Noah reluctantly balanced the clipboard in his lap and grabbed the pen.

He started scribbing. He prayed that Luke wouldn't believe what he said. "I hope Luke can forgive me if I ever get out of here."

"What are you going to do with me with me now?"

"All in good time, Noah.” Damian tore off the sheet of paper and glanced at the note
before folding it into his coat pocket. "I have to make sure Luke thinks this good-bye is legit. I'll play the loving, concerned father consoling his son abandoned by his boyfriend."

Noah's eyes glistened as he listened.

Damian looked at his watch. "Luke's probably somewhere in Old Town now between the apartment and his next class."

"Please before you go. Can I have a glass of water? I haven't had anything to drink since yesterday afternoon."

Damian walked into the bathroom. Noah heard the water running and then Damian returned with a glass of water. Noah drained the glass in one gulp. "That water tasted kinda of funny. Noah's eyes opening wide. The room started spinning. "What did you do, Damian?"

Noah's head fell back onto the mattress.

"Works every time," Damian shrugged, dropping the empty medicine bottle in the trash.


Walking through Old Town, Luke had spent the last hour considering all his options. He could tell the police that Noah was missing. But what could they do? Noah hadn't been gone at least 24 hours. All he could tell them is that his boyfriend got mad and stumped off. Should he tell his parents or ask Reg and Tony for help? Would any of them be able to help him find Noah?


Luke heard someone call out his name. As he turned in the direction the voice, he prayed "Please. Please. Let it be Noah."

Damian caught up with his son.

"Luciano, are you OK? You look pale, son." Damian tried to hug Luke. But he pulled back and started to walk away.

"Wait. I have something for you. Damian pulled out a white envelope. "Here."

"There's nothing I want from you."

"It's not from me Luciano. It's a letter from Noah for you."

Luke's jaw dropped and he snatched the envelope out of Damian's hand. "Noah gave this to you? When? Where?"

"Just a short time ago down at the docks. I gave him a little test to see how much he actually loved you. And he failed."

"What kind of test?"

"I offered him money to leave town and your life and he actually took the money." Damian wore a concerned look. "Open your eyes, Luciano. Noah wasn't right for you. Why he didn't even love you. He didn't even think twice before taking the money and leaving you. I had to make him write the note. I felt he owed you that much."

"No! Noah wouldn't do that to me. Why are you doing this, Damian?"

"I just want what is best for you, son. I tested him to see if his love for you was genuine. Sadly enough, it wasn't."

Luke's tears fell upon the envelope. "Noah wouldn't do this. He wouldn't do this to us." Without giving Damian a chance to answer, Luke turned and ran back to the apartment.

Once inside, he fell onto the bed and stared at the envelope afraid to open it; afraid to learn that Noah had left Oakdale and him.

"I can't wait any longer." Luke sighed and unfolded the sheet of loose-leaf. He gasped as he recognized Noah's handwriting.


Damian gave me the chance to start a whole new life. With his help, I have the chance to go to Northwestern and finally realize my dream. I am sorry I had to leave you like this. But I just had to take the chance.
We had a good time together, but you should go on with your life, without me.
Don't try to find me, Luke.
Give your father another a chance. He's a good guy.

Take care of yourself, Noah

Luke read the short note over and over again trying to make sense of it all. His heart was tearing apart.

"Why Noah? WHY?"

fic: (never) without you, pairing: luke/noah

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