Last December the City of Portland, Oregon (in the person of city commissioner Randy Leonard, also the Water Bureau head) dedicated a new high-tech public toilet, the "Portland Loo," and handed out souvenir rolls of toilet paper to attendees. Apparently some paper was left over, as I noticed on Friday (9/9/11) that a box containing at least 21 rolls had ended up in a dumpster next to the Vintage Pink resale shop at SE 25th and Hawthorne.
Some of the rolls has some small stains (probably from being in the dumpster), but some appeared pristine. Couldn't they have been donated somewhere? Or recycled? The box still bears a mailing label addressed to Chad Talbot, a Water Bureau employee. A tempest in a toilet bowl, perhaps, but I still thought it seemed like a waste.
Update: three days later, on Monday, some of the rolls appear to have been gleaned, but there are still some in the dumpster; they're likely headed into a landfill soon. And that's the end of my muckraking for today.