May 14, 2009 18:31
Since it's our 10th wedding anniversary in 2 months, we thought it was time to buy ourselves a spiffy new telly!
So i am seeking opinions...plasma or LCD?
When i first started looking into this about three years ago, i was swayed by plasma...i just liked the look of them better. I had no technical backing for my preference. Cost for a 48" was about $3500. Sales guys told me Pioneer (or was it Panasonic?) was best for plasma. And Sony was best for LCD. And LCD seemed to be similar prices.
Today i look in catalogues to see that you can now get a high def 48" Panasonic plasma for around $1800. And a high def 48" Sony LCD for about $3500. And there seem to be many more LCD models than plasmas to choose from. Why is that so?
How will our standard DVDs (ie. NOT blu-ray) look on plasma vs LCD? If we are watching 'backup' tv/film avi files (or other) with compression, which format will do the better display job?
What will TV channels look like on either?
Another consideration is power usage. Is it true that plasmas are power hungry? I saw an ad for an 'eco' Sony Bravia 40" LCD today that claims to use the power of two incandescent globes.
Or is there some other technology we should be investigating? Without blowing the budget?