It's been awhile...once again

Aug 25, 2004 13:58

Yeah....I've been away FOREVER!! So much has happened I don't know where to begin. I have some old journal entries that I never got around to posting...I'll eventually get to it...really O.o LOL *sigh I miss all of you...I'm working on catching up on all of your lives. See what happened is that I moved to Webster to be with my boyfriend. And I kinda stopped using the internet. I broke up with my boyfriend (long story...which I will post later) and so I moved back to Ohio. I think that's all I'll say for now...but I'm back. And I miss and love you all! For those of you who know me in person...and are in Ohio I hope that we can hang out sometime. For those of you who are farther..I wish we could hang out. Hmmm...while I'm in the transition of finding a job...maybe I could arrange some road trips... O.o That's a thought...interesting... *starts to contemplate* Oh oh...and all of you should go see HERO!! 'cause it looks like it's going to be wicked cool. :) Now, for now I'm going to say adieu. Supposed to go to the gym fun.
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