Mar 08, 2006 08:54
Growing up in TX, I feel like I understand what actual conservatives want, not so far from what liberals want, the extremes make the middle look much narrower than it is. The conservatives I grew up with (not in the South, can't get a handle on things here in North Florida) wanted a few simple things from the govt, simple things that, if focused on, it should be able to do quite well.
1. Protect us from foreign enemies.
2. Pave our roads and maintain infrastructure.
3. Stay out of their wallets.
4. Stay out of their bedrooms, and general lives. No one wants Big Brother telling them what they can and can't do.
The "party of small govt" can't even do that. So busy with misinformation, "the Democrats want to sell us off to the Middle East"
Of course, we can't even figure out that maybe we can't afford to house FEMA workers in cruise ships, in $430 a day condos, to lease out airport land to store thousands of trailers that apparently the govt. can't place on a floodplain. Makes sense, I mean...who has ever seen a trailer home on a flood plain?
Even Led Zeppelin knew that when there's a levee, the danger is whether its going to be breached.
To the Powers That Be Who May Be Trawling For Data Right Now: We the people have lowered our standards so far, we just want to get kissed before we get fucked and you fucktrumpets can't even get that right.