Hello, friends and purveyors of hurt!Castiel material. I've long enjoyed whump-based communities for other characters, but when there was no such place for Castiel, I decided to take matters into my own hands and start this up.
A quick preface: some people like badass, BAMFy Cas. That's totally cool; I like it too! However, this community is intended for people who like to explore Castiel in more vulnerable situations, for whatever reason. I'm not going to try to explain it beyond that I love me some comfort. Anyway, if this isn't your preferred flavor of Castiel, please just continue on your merry, fandom-filled way! This might not be everyone's cup of tea, and that's okay.
I should also add that some people like hurt-with-no-comfort. That's welcome here too! Pure angst is perfectly able to coexist alongside hurt/comfort, as far as this community is concerned.
Now, onto business!
Your Basic Rules:
1. This community is for fanworks involving hurt!Castiel. While other characters are welcome to be dealing with their own angst and pains, please make sure that a focus is on Castiel.
2. Please do not post RPF here.
3. Please use a proper header, including a summary, rating, pairings, word count, etc.
4. Warn for any potentially triggering materials. If doing so would spoil things, either highlight the warnings or make use of LJ's handy new spoiler feature.
5. On that note, works containing elements from unaired episodes must have spoiler warnings. Please include them for recently aired episodes as well.
6. Please don't link to f-locked material.
Easy enough, right? Probably not, since I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting. If you have any questions about what you see here, or about something that I've forgotten to elaborate upon, you can either comment at this post or shoot a PM my way.
Answered questions:
Tag List:
It's not an official rule, but tagging your fic is considered to be great etiquette. Below is the current list of tags. If you want one that's not there (and you probably will, since this is a very basic list) please ask here!
.mod post
alternate universe
college au
common cold
high school au
pairing: castiel/balthazar
pairing: castiel/dean
pairing: castiel/lucifer
pairing: castiel/meg
pairing: castiel/sam
rating: g
rating: nc-17
rating: pg
rating: pg-13
rating: r
season 4
season 5
season 6
season 7
type: art
type: fic
type: promotion
wound cleaning/stitching
Alrighty, then, I think that's it! This is my first time moderating, and I look forwards to watching this comm grow. Hopefully we can get some stuff going soon--comment fic meme, anyone? :D