A Day of Birthdays

Apr 13, 2008 13:35

April 13th is a big birthday day, or so it seems. My friend from high school, CKH (salutatorian to my valedictorian :-) has her birthday today. Also, a friend from the old school days (throughout school, but we were the closest in elementary school) who recently found me on FaceBook, AC, has a birthday today. And if I remember correctly, my former teammate PL was born today, too. Though... I could be wrong on the month. I know her birthday was on the 13th of some spring month, LOL.

Anyway, not that any of y'all will see this entry, but I hope you all have spectacular days with all the birthday trimmings. :-)

It is hard to believe that all the people I graduated with are turning 31 this year!


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