Title: Definitions of Destiny
Author: Caryn B
Fandom: Star Wars (film canon only - see notes)
Timeline: 6 months after RotJ
Pairing: Luke/Han, slash
Rating: NC-17 overall; this chapter PG-13
Warnings: None
The list of chapters is here
Oooh, Luke's in his birthplace! Can't wait for him to learn about it. Tatooine is Luke's home planet, but I love it that he and Leia weren't born on a planet, but on a rock in space. Great job on Luke's vision!
Yes, Tatooine will always be his homeworld, but it does fit to me too that the twins were born on this rock! It'd have to be somewhere like that, or like Mustafar, or Hoth, or somewhere equally inhospitable! A safe, 'normal' planet just wouldn't be the same would it? :D
Comments 2
Tatooine is Luke's home planet, but I love it that he and Leia weren't born on a planet, but on a rock in space.
Great job on Luke's vision!
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