Oct 22, 2004 18:43
Last night was shitty and then I go to my car this morning to find a $25 parking ticket on the windshield... for parking in a lot that you can't park in 2am-7am. I really thought I could park in the commuter lot on Fridays... and technically, when I got the ticket it was 5am on Friday. So I don't know what to do.... this is my 6th parking ticket. At least this is the only one I've gotten one since the last time I wrote about all those damn tickets.
After volleyball today, all of us freshmen went to eat at the Marketplace as usual. We're just chillin eating our food and this kid at the other end of the long table pushes his dirty plate across the table towards us and says something like "Haha Happy Birthday". So we all kinda ignored it, but Maddy, a girl on the team was just really focused on eating her dinner since she hadn't eaten all day. So she got kinda pissed and we put a nasty piece of turkey on the plate and shoved it back down the table. It didn't make it all the way down to them, so this kid just starts laughing and gets up to go get dessert or whatever. So Maddy... still pissed off... gets up to get her own dessert but takes her spoon and chucks a bunch of this ravioli or something, I have no idea what it was, but she puts it on his chair. While she was gone, the guy came back and his friend never said anything to him about the shit in his chair, but he sat right down in it. We were all just laughing our asses off, and I know that's pretty immature, but it was just funny as hell. So the guy finally realizes why we're laughing and chucks the rest of his mashed potatoes at us so we have shit all over our clothes. And it wasn't even us who did it to him...... they just kept throwing food at us, we were freakin out and just ran out. It was a good time, I haven't really had a food fight like that in a long time.
Tonight's the first home hockey game I'll be able to go to. It'll also be the first real hockey game I've been to... EVER! Besides the inter-team scrimmage they had a few weeks ago. I'm pumped!! Go Cats, Meow!