FIC: Checkpoint

Nov 17, 2004 20:56

*damns that TV ad for Border Security with the Frisky Frisker*

Title: Checkpoint
Pairing: Racy-Or-Hard
Rating: Er, whatever comes before R in the american rating system.
Warnings: Groping, lame 'excuse' for the groping. Some viewers may be disturbed by certain mentions of Dumbledore.
Disclaimer: Rowling has this wacky idea that they're completely straight. Fortunately, I do not also suffer from this delusion.


Harry nodded politely back as he handed over his wand. It was examined, catalogued and placed in its own marked bag. Another nod and Harry moved off, allowing the next person to check theirs in.

He smiled to the standing guards and walked through the arch that served as the protective barrier and nearly slipped over in shock when the lights flashed and the siren sounded. The guard to his left hastily moved in front of him, hand raised to the stop signal.

“Mister Potter, please step back through.”

Confused, Harry did as asked.

“Are you carrying any item that may have some sort of magic property, be it natural or enforced?”


“Any object with a magic trace, whether positive, negative, dark, white, or residual?”


“Could you please turn out your pockets.”

Harry was becoming aware of everyone looking at him, so he obliged them quickly, wanting to move of to the conference room. All he carried was his wallet and various keys, which he placed on platter offered. They were taken to the desk and looked over but nothing was found.

“Very good, sir. Now please step through the arch again.”

He stepped through and again the lights flashed, the siren activating.

“Sir, please stay where you are. I must now send for my section manager.”

Harry shuffled uncomfortably, feeling very embarrassed as he held up the line while the manager was sent for. He could hear a few people behind him whispering and he blushed, glad he couldn’t hear what they were saying.

“Mister Potter?”

He looked up and almost cringed. “Malfoy. What are you doing here?”

“I’m the head of security. You’ve failed to walk through successfully? Twice?”


“If you could just step to the side, sir, raise your arms out and keep your feet shoulder width apart.”

“What? You can’t be serious.”

“Sir, please. We’ll get it sorted out and others can continue through while we solve this.”

Harry huffed and stood where asked, lifting his arms up while Draco donned a pair of orange gloves that sparkled in the light and moved to stand behind him.

“Please remain still as I check you over for any contraband.”

Harry pursed his lips and obeyed as Draco’s hands started on his head, the fingers combing through his hair. He felt goose bumps raise on his arms and back as the gloves moved over the back of his neck.

“Sir, please remain still.”

He looked to the floor and trying not to notice the seemingly endless procession of people that were going through the arch with no trouble and forced his reply out through his teeth. “I thought I was.”

The hands were running down his back now, thankfully stopping before they went over his arse. They slid back up, joining at his left shoulder and moved out along the limb to his hand, switching back to do the same on the other side.

Harry was still staring at the ground, thinking cold, unattractive thoughts that mostly centred on Dumbledore swimming naked in the artic. Then the hands were searching his chest, the heat of Draco warming his back. All thoughts of anyone else swimming anywhere disappeared and Harry had to start breathing through his mouth.

“Almost done.” Draco knelt down, his hands wrapping around Harry’s left ankle and sliding up, passed his knee, his right hand stopping at the very top of Harry’s thigh while his left checked the hip. It was the same when he checked the other leg. Almost.

Harry started when he felt the hands finish with his leg then move up, firmly rubbing his arse as if to make up for not doing it before. He actually let out a rather loud squeak when one hand moved along the crease in his middle of his trousers to clearly press itself into his groin and rub him through the cloth.

Then the hands were gone and he sensed Draco raise back to his feet.

“Thank you, sir. Clearly the arch malfunctioned slightly, possibly due to the continuous pressure it’s been subjected to tonight.” He moved back around so they could look at each other face to face. “We apologise for any inconvenience and your things may be returned to you. You’re free to continue on.”

His first few steps were odd, his feet tingling for a reason he didn’t want to dwell on. He thanked the man who handed his belongings over and continued to the conference room. Taking his seat, he rubbed his arms as if he were cold then spent the entire meeting forcing himself to stay very focussed on what was being said. His arousal passed and he even managed to add a few productive ideas after about an hour.

He went straight home when it was all over and he’d recollected his wand, declining the offer to stay for a drink. After locking the front door behind him he headed for the fireplace, grabbing up some powder and Flooing out immediately. He didn’t even bother to brush the soot off his clothes when he was on the other end. “I have never been so humiliated in my life!”

“Don’t place the blame on me, I had to follow procedure.” Draco tossed the book he had been pretending to read on to the table and stood up.

“I mean, people were staring at me, and your search was practically pornographic!”

“Potter, calm down, I was just following procedure. You’ve already received an apology for the inconvenience.”

“And what about the complete mortification?”

“Oh, honestly. The bloody thing always goes bonkers for no reason on at least one person. They’ve always managed to survive the horrors of the system.”

Harry directed his scowl at the floor, but he was slightly mollified. Draco smiled and stretched his hand out, lifting Harry’s chin. He leant in for a brief kiss and was already smirking before he pulled back.

“Would you like a cavity search?”

“No!” Harry blinked, his mind suggesting something. “Er … maybe.” He frowned slightly, looking bewildered. “You mean … sex … right?”

“Yes.” Draco spoke slowly in a patronising way. “That’s right.”

“Well, okay then.” He started to follow Draco to the bedroom tapping him on the arm when they got to the closed door. “Since when did you work as Head of Security there, anyway?”

“I don’t. I was just filling in for a friend. Broke his hand at the last minute.”

“How’d he do that?”

Draco smiled, pushing some of Harry’s fringe back as the bedroom door swung open. “He didn’t.”

Harry knew that look, and that tone of voice. His eyes narrowed. “You set me up.”

Draco just laughed softly in reply, already at the bed.

“You bastard.”

The blonde hopped up on the bed, and crawled across it on his knees. “Come tell me how much you hate me.” He held out his hand.

Harry walked through the doorway towards his tormentor, his hand flicking harshly and the door slammed shut behind him.



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