I promise, I am working on my other stuff, I swear.

Aug 02, 2004 14:57

Just a bit of stupidity to lighten the mood. Prolly only a PG rating ...

Odd Day All Round

Ron walked in to his family living room to the rather unexpected sight of his twins brothers accompanied by his good friend, Hermione, tying Draco Malfoy to a chair. He cleared his throat and Fred looked over.

"Ron, mate, good timing, go find some more rope."

"What's going on?"

"He turned up...

"Just like that...

"At our door...

"Mum said to make sure he couldn't get away...

"She's using the fireplace upstairs to send for some Aurors."

Ron really wished his brothers wouldn't communicate like that when they were overly excited. He looked to Hermione. "Did you have to gag him?"

"Wasn't in the mood for anything he could say."

Ron sighed and shooed them away, pulling the handkerchief away from the blonde's mouth. "Sorry, didn't think they'd tie you up."

"Is this how all of your guests are treated? No wonder people avoid this place." Draco rubbed his wrists as they were released, then brushed his hair back with his fingers.

Hermione crossed her arms, slightly confused as to why Ron was freeing him. "It's not like you were invited, Malfoy."

"Well..." Ron coughed nervously as everyone looked to him. "Actually..."


"Invited him...?"

"Here?" Hermione joined in with the twins special way of talking.

"Yes and there's no need to tie him up, he won't be here for long."

"But mum said..."

"Look, I was released today, it's not like I escaped or anything." Draco clearly wanted to say a good deal more but he held his tongue for now.

"I just told Malfoy to drop in when he got released, sort a few things out." Ron muttered mostly to himself.

Mrs. Weasley came back in, looking apologetic yet still cold. "Oh, good, you've let him go. Apparently his trial went well and he's been released. They gave me a strong warning against tying him up. Kidnapping charges and what not."

"See." Draco spat before crossing his arms. "I've just come to collect what's mine then I'll be on my way."

Ron frowned. "Well you don't have to say it like that."

"And clearly you didn't inform your family that I would be dropping in."

"Oh, yeah, sure ... and how exactly was I supposed to say it?"

"Oh Ron." Hermione looked horrified. "You didn't end up doing what I think you did, did you?"

"Oh no, he did." Fred looked away.

"Did he?" George shook his head.

Ron and Draco shared a look and didn't bother interrupting anyone.

"Did what?" Snapped Mrs. Weasley.

"There was this thing, the Slytherins were running 'loans' if you could call them that. Almost impossible to repay. Except for the ones where the 'repayments' were too horrid to even speak about."

Molly's eyes narrowed at both boys. "Well, Ron? What did you promise him?"

"No, mum, really, I wish it was something like that. Be easier to say than the truth. I didn't take a loan or anything like that, I swear."

"Then what is he doing in my house?"

Draco snorted at the last word and Ron elbowed him harshly. "Shut it, Malfoy. He's here to ... sort things out." He finished lamely. A noise alerted him to the backdoor being opened. "Oh thank heavens. Harry! Come here, will you?"

Hermione sighed. "Wonderful, let's have a fight that'll literally bring the house down."

Harry walked in backwards, his face red as he backed away from Arthur Weasley. "I told you, I don't know what it is. Please, just let me leave."

"But you're the expert on muggles, Harry. How can you not know what it is?" He held up a ball that had a two straps that could be tied together.

Harry blushed harder. "I have no idea." He repeated.

Draco coughed purposefully and Harry's head turned to look. The blush started to die down as all thoughts of embarrassing situations and ballgags drifted away.

Draco folded his arms impatiently. "I'm not accustomed to waiting, Potter."

Hermione frowned.

Ron sighed.

Arthur studied the 'device' a little more.

Very slowly, Harry started to smile. Then he all but launched himself at the blonde, kissing him clumsily and not caring in the slightest.

Hermione's jaw dropped.

Fred's jaw dropped.

George's jaw dropped.

Molly's jaw dropped.

Ron sighed again.

Arthur didn't notice and continued staring at the ballgag.

Draco pulled back enough to speak. "We'll collect your things later."

"Okay. Bye guys."

"Later mate." Ron was the only one who either heard him or could reply.

The two boys were kissing again even as Draco's portkey activated and they disappeared.

Ron shifted uncomfortably as four pairs of eyes turned to him. He really didn't want to have this conversation with his family so he looked to his father who was blissfully unaware about what had just happened and was still clicking his tongue as he tried to work out what new 'toy' he'd found now. "Dad, we have them in the wizarding world too."

Arthur finally looked up. "Really?" He said brightly. "What is it?"

It finally occurred to Ron that this potential conversation was no better than the one he wanted to avoid with the other people in the room and he paled. He looked from one side to another a few times then smiled. "Well ... bye." And then he started to run. He was out the front door by the time the twins had caught on to what was happening.

"HEY! Quick Fred, our brooms, we'll chase him down."

"RON!" Hermione shrieked as Molly collapsed into her favourite armchair. "Get back here."

Arthur nodded, impressed. "The boy sure can run. Must take after me, I was known as quite the sprinter in my day. Miss Granger, you're intelligent and muggleborn. Do you know what this is?"

"It's a ballgag." Hermione said impatiently, still very annoyed that Ron and Harry had clearly being keeping something from her.

"Really?" Arthur looked as if he wished for her to continue her explanation.

"Yes, it's ..." Hermione paled just as Ron had before her, then blushed as Harry had. She turned on her heel and ran out of the room calling to the twins. "Hang on, I think I want to try flying again."

Arthur sighed, thinking no-one would ever explain it to him and held it up by one end again. "A ball ... gag?" He tilted his head either way, inspecting it once more. "Well, I don't think it's very funny."

Done. *snickers*


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