FIC: To Make An Omelette

Dec 01, 2005 18:38

The long-awaited (really long-awaited, again my apologies) seventh part of dacro's Round-Robin type fic One Of Your Fathers

Disclaimer: The characters are not mine and neither is how they got into this situation, actually. The only things that are mine are the bad jokes and the woeful plot device.

To Make An Omelette.

Pairing: Drarry
Rating: PG
Warnings: Bad jokes and MPREG
Betaed By: berrynia and dacro

Notes: Was basically blackmailed into this by girlsigh though she will deny all knowledge of this if asked. :D It gets a little wordy at the end because I'm actually not a huge fan of MPREG and enjoyed the challenge of writing it.

To Make An Omelette.

Draco impatiently flicked through the magazine as Ron sat beside him, playing with his pocket watch.

"How much longer is this going to be?"

"Oh god, Draco, for the fourteenth time, I Don't Know."

"I should never have let any of you talk me into this."

"Come on, it's not that bad. Did I tell you about the time when I..."

"YES! You have told me all about 'The time when you...'. You have told me it so many times I'm about to shove this magazine down your throat until I can stab you in the heart. If you threaten to bore me with it once more I refuse to be held accountable for my actions."

"Alright, alright, no need to get nasty. You sure Harry's the only one with the mood swings?"

"This is the most insane, childish, pathetic thing Harry's ever talked me into. And I went to Disneyland with him, for fuck's sake." Draco tossed the magazine back to the coffee table. "There I was, spinning in some stupid teacup thinking he'd never be able to outdo himself in the Moronic Plan department, foolish of me really."

Ron had only a vague idea of what Draco was talking about and would have found it amusing if this place didn't creep him out so much. He shifted his legs again and managed to kick Draco in the ankle while doing so. "Sorry."

Draco blinked and looked at him. "For what?"

"Er, never mind."

He went back to reliving the horrors of Disneyland until finally his name was called.

"I'll come back for you in a few hours."

He nodded to Ron and followed Dr Oca to her office, gratefully accepting the offered chair. This whole business made him uneasy.

"Now, Mr. Malfoy. You and your partner are undertaking our Soon-To-Be Parents program, yes?"

He rejected the first few possible replies in favour of keeping it short and polite. "Yes."

"Of course, your partner, sorry," She flicked through her files to pretend she didn't know what his name was. "Ah, a Mr. Potter. Yes, he would have left for his seminar sometime last night?"

"Yes, and while we're so politely chatting about it, could you explain to me why? Even though the brochure that was shoved at me for a few moments was so colourful and dripping with niceties, it failed to explain to me why my husband is now god knows where doing gods knows what." And there was the reason for Draco's worse than normal behaviour. He'd had very little sleep last night, constantly wondering how Harry and the children were doing. Slowly driving himself mad with worry.

She smiled back at him, obviously accustomed to people being worried. "Here we believe that everyone becomes a parent differently. You and your partner will need different guidance."

"I wasn't aware it was so different. Sex, pregnancy, birth, congratulations it's a whatever."

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, you only describing the act of fathering a child. It takes more than that to become an actual father."

He had the feeling she was about to start in on some supposedly deep philosophy to back that up, so he hurriedly asked his question. "Where is he?"

"I can assure you he is safe and secure. Learning all about what the next few months, then years, will hold for your family. Now, I'm just going to ask you a few questions, before we start with the training. How have things been at home?"

Draco gritted his teeth, not wanting to lie to her face after he'd given both Harry and Hermione his word that he would try to co-operate. "We're managing."

She raised her eyebrows. "Just that?"

He glared at her, wishing he was allowed to hex her. "It's a new experience for both of us. But we're managing."

She smiled uneasily. "Okay, that's good to hear. And are there any points of concern you really wish to address in this course? Don't be shy."

"Aside from the fact one of your stoner-looking brethren whisked my pregnant husband away in a car that did not appear to be roadworthy?"

She swallowed, smiling again but he could see it was strained. "All our vehicles are checked every month, let me assure you."

He had seen the 'vehicle' in question and he wasn't assured in the least. But he smiled pleasantly back, remembering that Hermione and Ron had done this before their first child as well. "Perhaps we should just get this over with?"

Her smile flooded back, a real one this time and she stood up. "Yes, let's. I'm sure you will find it highly entertaining."

He didn't.


Draco was about to cry, he was so bored. To his enormous relief though, the slideshow finally ended and the lights came back up.

"And there you have it. Do you have any questions?"

He shook his head, simply desperate to not drag this out any longer.

"Alright then, we'll just head to the cold room and your practical task will begin."

And this had been the part Draco was most dreading. He followed her down a few corridors and stood there, wishing for something, anything, to happen so that this wouldn't be necessary. She asked him to sign a form and then handed over two small, white eggs.

"For the next twenty-four hours it will be your job to pretend that these two eggs are your daughters. Your mission is to not break them. Just hold still." She clipped a watch-like contraption to his wrist. "This is the recorder. When you come back tomorrow, we'll be able to replay your day and see how you fared. It's also good for when the eggs break and people try to swap them for new ones. Don't try it, no-one's ever succeeded in fooling us."

"I'm assuming I can take this thing off for when I want to go to the bathroom or masturbate?"

"Of course." But he saw the slight tinge to her cheeks.

"Now it's nearly 3. So your time will start from then and we'll see you back here at 3:30 tomorrow."

There was a soft popping sound and they looked to Draco's right hand where one cracked egg was currently dripping through his fingers to the floor. She gave him a look.

"Er, that doesn't count. It's not three yet." He wiped his hand on her sleeve.

She handed him another one and he hurried to get back to where Ron was waiting and they Flooed out.

Draco sat down in his couch, looking from one hand to the other. "I guess they're fraternal. This one has a larger butt."

"Look, I know it's dumb, believe me. But I did this and well ... let's just say I made one little joke and Hermione found out about it. She ... wasn't happy. So I'll bet Harry wouldn't be either." He sat down next to him. "You have to take this seriously. Pregnant people … they’re mental and you have to indulge them or things go very, very bad."

"Is that why you're here? Keeping an eye on me?"

"Partly. That and I know how boring a day can be with only an egg for company. Besides, Hermione's gone with Jacob and Harry to the Bulging Stomach Retreat or whatever they call it. Makes sense I get to hassle you with experienced advice."

"Yes, I do need advice. First there's a big question."

"Like what?"

"Poached or fried?"

Ron snickered. "Malfoy, I'm warning you. Harry will not take that well, not in his condition."

"That didn't answer my question."

Ron smirked. "Well, you have two ... one of each?"

Draco nodded, smiling along. "Hmmm, that could work. Or maybe an omelette. I think we have most of the ingredients."

"Okay, but seriously, be careful." Ron hopped to his feet. "Have to use the bathroom ... don't cook anything. We'll talk about the schedule and feeding and nap times when I get back."

Draco nodded and smiled, tossing one egg up in the air carefully.

Ron was horrified by what he saw when he got back. "Malfoy!"

"Hey, I'm doing pretty good with only two. Really need three, though, it's easier."

"Malfoy, stop juggling right NOW!"

"Fine. Was awkward anyway."

"It's really simple. You break the egg, you fail. You fail and your husband will kick your arse. You promised him that you would co-operate."

Draco had not promised to co-operate, not as such. His co-operation had been demanded just before Harry had waddled angrily to the waiting car. "I am. I'm doing everything they told me to. Just adding a few things as well."

"And don't think you can enchant them to not break, they thought of that. You try and it cracks automatically."

"I know, I know, I watched the demonstration."

Ron looked insulted. "They gave you a demo? They didn't give me one."

Draco smiled. "How many times did you have to do this?"

He blushed. "Just twice."

Draco looked out the window. "Hey Ron, did you ever do that thing were you jumped from one rooftop to another? I used to do it for hours when we first moved in here."

"Don't even think about it, Malfoy, stop. Malfoy! Draco! Oh, she's going to kill me."


"Welcome home." Draco started collecting up the luggage. "Did you have fun camping?"

"It was hardly camping. Was rather swanky, really."

It took a few minutes but they were finally settled back in and Harry slowly dropped himself on to the couch, sighing with relief. "I heard they gave you a passing grade. ... Just."


Harry scowled. "I also heard you were a prat for the entire time."

And the tension was back. Draco had hoped his little holiday would have ended all that but he tried to keep the conversation light. "They possibly could have seen me that way."

"You were supposed to be co-operating."

"Hey, I sat through the never-ending slideshow and the rather horrifying Miracle of Birth video, the boring training lessons that basically just yelled 'Common Sense' at you AND a father discussion group that mostly seemed to revolve around the Quidditch League and whether or not the suspension of Hayes is justified. Apparently it isn't, by the way."

"Ron told Hermione who told me about what the practical task replay was like. You were on a rooftop! You juggled them!" He glared even harder. "You spent most of the day making omelette jokes."

Draco shrugged. "It's a ridiculous task."

"Of course it is! But sometimes you can learn from it. You should have taken it seriously!"

"I couldn't."

"We're about to be parents, if you've forgotten. The least you could do is swallow your damn pride for the sake of our children. For one lousy day."

"I didn't do it because of my pride."

"Oh, bull."

Draco sighed and sat down in the recliner. "I did it because I was worried I would fail." He wouldn't meet Harry's eyes, too embarrassed at how he was feeling.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I had taken it seriously? What if I had and I failed?" Draco crossed his arms, even more uncomfortable than before. "What if I couldn't take care of even two stupid eggs? I just ... I just thought that if I did it this way and I failed, it wouldn't mean that I'm going to make a bad father."

Harry wasn't looking as angry anymore and he reached his hand out to touch Draco's arm. "We're going to be great parents."

Draco gave a hollow laugh. "Are we? Can you give me that in writing?" He tilted his head apologetically. "It's all so .. terrifying. I know I've been slightly off these last few months, nothing major, but it's been there all the same. It's just ... I never saw this was how my life would be. It was simple when I was younger. I would grow up, get a job, get married, have children. And I have, I've done all that, but none of it went the way I meant it to. I mean, let's leave the fact I married a man to the side for a second. But it was you." He laughed again, sounding more genuine. "I never saw that one coming, that's for sure. I loved you so much and I knew you loved me back. And it wasn't so bad, it was change but it was good.

"Now this is change, and it's good too, but it's different. Our children aren't even born yet and look at us. I never realised how much they could change someone because I hadn't been in love before. I mean I've loved many people to different degrees, but you ... you were always different." Draco picked at the arm of his chair, knowing he had to say all this just once before they did something stupid and ruined everything. "I'm not the best when it comes to sharing, no matter what it is, so this is going to be hard. I'm sure I can do it, I just never imagined, not since I first fell for you, that one day I'd have to share you."

Harry sighed. "You don't have to share me."

Draco shook his head sadly. "Yes, I do, of course I do. You'll love them more than you'll love me, if you don't already. I mean, sure, it's a different type of love, I'm not saying you're going to try to seduce them into bed or anything. But you will love them more."

"That's rubbish."

"No it's not. Because that's what you do when you have children. And I'll love them, more than I'll love you."

Harry paled, looking hurt. "You will?"

"Of course. That's the role of a parent, you more than anyone should appreciate that. If you had to make a choice between me or them, you'd choose them. Just as I'd choose them. Why do you think your mother didn't leave your room while your father was being murdered? Why do you think my parents did everything they could to keep me safe? If we had to, we would choose them, that's all I'm saying." Draco smiled, almost looking happy. "Just another adjustment for me. Us." He ran his fingers through Harry's messy hair. "I'm sure I can beat my selfish nature out of me, I'm actually doing rather well so far."

"But I don’t think I want you to love anyone else more than you do me." Harry looked down at his stomach, rubbing it gently. "This is supposed to make our bond unbreakable."

Draco put his hand over Harry's. "Yes, it will. But also, it won't. Double-edged knife as it were. We will love each other, possibly to our deaths, but it's no longer about Us anymore. The time has come for Them. You won't be the most important person in my life, just as I won't be yours anymore. They take that place now. They will be beautiful and we will be at their mercy. They will bring us joy and despair and all the wonderous things that children bestow in their parents' hearts. We'd just better hope we're up to the job." Draco stood up and headed towards the kitchen. "It's just another adjustment, Harry and, my insecurities aside, I am mostly confident that we will be wonderful parents."

Harry murmured something that could possibly have been an agreement.

"I noticed you didn't mention the incident involving me, the eggs and the vacuum cleaner."

"The what?"

The mood in the room felt lighter than it had to Draco only a few moments ago. But he was still glad to have said what he did. "Well, it was nothing really ... but you'd think they wouldn't design vacuum hoses to be able to fit an egg. It's very inconvenient."

Harry gaped at him in horror. "You vacuumed up one of our children?"

"In my defense when the real ones are born they'll be much bigger and unable to fit. Are you hungry?"

Harry let it all slide, feeling too tired to press it further. "Always. What is there?"

Draco grinned a wide, dangerous looking grin. "I made omelette."

Harry didn't want to, but he heard himself laugh. "You didn't."

"It's not like they wanted them back." Draco said defensively.


And now it's someone else's turn.

Previous Chapters:

dacro's One of Your Fathers
daisy_drabbles' One of Your Fathers: Part Duex
girlsigh's One of Your Fathers Part Three
silver_ariel's One of Your Fathers, Part 4: Taking Shape
rurounihime's One of Your Fathers, Part 5: Four Little Reasons
darkasphodel's One of Your Fathers Part 6: The Masked Spirit of Today


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