Nine Words

Jan 13, 2005 21:49

Disclaimer: Rowling = rich, successful, published author. Me = poor, glum, struggling student. Yes, I can see how you’d get us confused.

Nine Words.
Status: Complete
Series: 5/13
Rating: R/NC-17
Pairing: Drarry (I like the word, so go to hell :P)
Warnings: God damn plot is seeping in around the edges. *sulks* Obligatory confrontation with concerned friends. But don't worry, I keep it quick. And then we get to the smut! Yay! (And yes, the 'plot thing' belonged in the warnings section)
Summary: Harry's defensive, Ron's pensive, Hermione's offensive, Neville's ... well, Neville's just Neville.

Notes: Okay, 2 things to celebrate! I promised myself that when I hit 100 with my LJ flist (which admittedly was sometime last week *coughs*) I would write this ... even if I had to force myself. But most of it is for lilie_the_mouse and her big day of turning 25!!!!! (which admittedly was many, many months ago *coughs harder*) Yeah, it's a veeeeeeeeeeery belated birthday gift but that's also why there's a touch of her latest ficfetish. Normally I don't write it, but hey, it's her party and she'll rim if she wants to ... *gets mildly distracted by trashy song but shakes it off*
Also: Thanks to girlsigh cause she liked the intro and has had to put up with me whining about this thing forever. *blows a kiss to both lovely ladies*

| 01) Thirteen Kisses | 02) Twelve Kisses... | 03) Eleven Stones | 04) Ten Touchers | 05) Nine Words | 06) Eight Sticks |

Harry had almost reached the door when it flew open. Startled, he took a step back as Hermione, Neville and Ron entered and made sure the door was securely locked. "Er, hey guys." He looked to his blocked path of escape. "Something up?" He said around a surfacing yawn.

Ron shrugged. "We're your 'intervention' whatever that is. Hermione's got this stupid idea you're sleeping with Malfoy."

"Oh." Harry hadn't really wanted to talk about this with his friends, but seeing that they had started it he saw no reason to lie directly to their faces. "I am."

"Oh." Ron's mouth moved a little longer after that, clearly not knowing what to say.

"I told you guys, it doesn't matter."

"Neville, are you insane?" Hermione smiled at Harry and patted his arm. "We just want to talk for a bit."

Harry silently hoped to himself that Draco wouldn’t mind having to wait. He'd said he'd be there at 10 at it was already five to.

Ron had regained his ability to speak. "We're not going into details, are we?" He looked slightly ill at the thought.

"NO!" Harry was the one to answer first. "We certainly are not."

Ron nodded in relief. "So I guess this was all because of ... you know, that incident?" A slight frown crossed the freckled face. "Unless it started before then and that was all some kinky, exhibitionist set-up or something? In which case I don't think I want to know."

"No, no, that's what started it, I promise." Harry was really not enjoying this conversation, intervention, whatever they were calling it. "This was all because of the incident."

"The illegal incident."

"Yes, thank you for pointing that out, Hermione, but I hadn't forgotten."


Harry looked at her blankly. "Well what?"

"Harry," She started, gently. "You have to see that this is a bad situation."


"It's Malfoy."

"Well, yeah but ... he's ... and ... I don't know. It works."

Neville gave a shrug. "See. It works."

Hermione looked to Ron, who placed his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Okay, so you like him. Well, maybe not like like him, but you like him enough to ..." Ron made some rather odd hand gestures which really didn't convey the words he couldn't say.


The redhead nodded, sending a shrug to the stunned girl. "Guess there's not much we can do about it then."

Harry had the overwhelming urge to hug Ron and would have, if Hermione hadn't given a very loud sigh. "Everything he is, was and will be, it doesn't bother you? His manner, his beliefs?"

"Oh come on, Hermione." Harry half thought it sounded like he was whining. "It's not like he's taken to whispering 'Granger is a mudblood' into my ear while he ..." His brain caught up with his mouth and viciously tackled it to the ground, screaming for silence.

All four people shifted on their feet uncomfortably until Ron cleared his throat. "Harry, mate, we've known each other a long time, seen a lot, done a lot more and I do distinctly remember a situation in second year when you saved my sister's life. But how much I love Ginny or not, I wasn't even half as grateful to you back then as I am now. Thank you for not finishing that sentence."

"Any time." Harry could feel his face burning.

"Feel free to never finish it, as well."

"Will do."

"We're just concerned."

"Oh leave it off, Hermione, all right? Enough! Harry's a big boy and if he wants to sleep with Malfoy, fine, whatever, it could be worse."

Hermione glared at Ron once the minor rant was over. "Who are you anyway?"

Harry grinned, slinging his arm around the other boy's shoulders in an attempt of the hug that should have happened. "He's my best friend, that's who. Knew there was a reason I liked him."

"Ron, you really should be on my side for this. You hate Malfoy."

Ron shrugged. "Yeah, so? I'm not the one that's getting off with him. I don't have to not-hate him."

Neville tugged on Hermione's arm. "He's right, really. And besides, I don't think Malfoy would try anything, not at school."

"But ..."

"Drop it." Ron and Neville said together.

Harry was sure he was grinning as if he'd just won the lottery.

"Fine, all right, but Harry, two things."

Harry's grin faded and he looked slightly wary. "Okay?"

"He's not ... hurting you, is he?"


"And he's not ... well ... forcing you to do anything you don't want to?"

Harry was touched that Hermione was so concerned she was technically asking the same question twice, but it was rather irritating and time consuming. "No."

She sighed, giving in to the fact that she was surprisingly outnumbered and no longer had any solid enough reasons to try to talk him out of it. "All right then." She straightened her shoulders and nodded towards the dormitory door. "Well, I guess we've kept you long enough. You probably have somewhere you're supposed to be." She looked miserable.

Harry quickly kissed her on the cheek and smiled. "Thanks guys, got to go." But he heard the last few remarks as he made his way out of the door and towards the common room.

"The two of you were no help!"

"He's got enough to deal with, just let him have some fun."

"But with Malfoy?"

"Just leave it, Hermione."

He was softly laughing as he made his way through to the tower entrance. But the conversation had rattled him a little and he'd already been tired from staying up late the night before, desperately trying to finish a couple of assignments he'd fallen behind on. He raced his way down anyway, trying to make up for all the time that had slipped past as his friends had shown their concern. He burst through Draco's door, knocking seeming as too much of a formality by this point.

"You're late."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry. Had myself a little convention."

"A convention?"

"Conversation slash intervention. My friends were concerned about my ... er ... habit of visiting you." He shrugged then started to undo his shirt buttons when Draco simply looked at them. "Well, Hermione was concerned. Neville was uncomfortable with the whole intervention thing and Ron was ... well, honestly I think he was off his rocker. He defended ... this." His shirt and tie landed on the floor near the bed as Draco started packing away the things on his desk.

"Weasley defended this?"

"Was almost shocking really. He and Neville basically told Hermione that the three of them should butt out."

"Which they should." After rummaging around in one of his drawers, Draco had fished out an object that looked suspiciously like a collar.

"Well, yes, but to hear him say it." Harry started to unbutton his trousers, not bothering to waste his breath by asking what was happening tonight. In just his boxer shorts, he stood still and let the strap be wrapped around his head. A cool metal strip that had been behind the material pressed into his forehead, even across his scar.


"Curious." He warily looked at Draco's smile. "Slightly paranoid."

Draco carefully pushed back Harry's hair, releasing some of the fringe that had been trapped under the headband. "You look tired."

"Only a little."

"Don't want you to fall asleep."

"Then you'd better make this worth staying awake for."

The blonde nodded, turning back to his desk and opening a wooden chest that sat in top of it. He extracted a long, slender phial and handed it over.

Harry raised an eyebrow, looking to the yellow liquid before giving a small shrug and pulling the cap off. He trusted Draco to not kill him ... at school. He licked his lips when he was done, relieved that the taste was fine. "Tastes like lemon butter."

"That's why I use that one, other energy potions taste so horrid you end up wishing for sleep just so you don't notice anymore. Always thought that defeated the purpose, really."

Harry was feeling a little less tired and rather horny, though he put the last one down to Draco standing right in front of him with no shirt on. "So, what does this thing do?" He tapped one finger to the band, handing the phial back for Draco to place on the desk.

"It tricks you."

"Tricks me?"

"Yes. Now you have to listen very carefully." Draco placed his hands on Harry's face and made sure the other couldn't look away. "There is no-one else in this room. It is just us. I'm not whoring you out to some spectral creature. Got it?"

"Right." Though Harry did look more concerned than before.

"Some people don't quite get it, they freak out that something has been conjured to do it, but in truth it's the metal strip that you should feel across your forehead. It sends out signals that triggers certain parts of your brain into action."

"Is this legal?"

Draco let his hands drift from Harry's face to the shoulders as he thought about how to answer that question. "Well ... no. It can sometimes go wrong, leaving the wearer brain dead but that was before the magic was refined. It's much safer now."

"Brain dead, wonderful. Why would anyone want to use anything that could potentially destroy their partner?"

"I doubt the creator cared too much."


"It used to be a method of torture."

"Torture?" Harry was looking less calm as every second passed.

"Originally. It doesn't hurt, don't panic."

"Doesn't hurt? Then how is it torture?"

Draco tilted his head, running his hand up and down Harry's chest as a soothing gesture. "They didn't consent to it."

"Like rape?"

"Very much like it, actually." Draco sighed. "You can take it off, you know, we could do something else. I have other things."

"No, no wait." Harry thought it over for a few moments. "It doesn't hurt?"


"There's no 'other presence', just us?"


Harry shrugged, even managing a brief smile. "Then what's the harm?" He didn't feel so carefree, but it seemed silly not to trust Draco to some extent, given that they were both now mostly naked and unarmed.

Draco smiled back, his fingers sliding under the waist band of Harry's boxers and tugging. The hint was understood and they were lowered and kicked off as the blonde pulled his lover towards the bed. "Up, on your knees." He waited for him to get settled then gently ran his fingers along the band, searching for the slight indentations on either side and tapping them.

Harry jumped slightly as it started to vibrate, and then smirked, lowering his face so Draco wouldn't ask why. He wasn't too sure of the sexual things the magical world had in common with muggles and he didn't want to have to take time out to explain.

Draco moved away now, going to sit on the chair he'd set up against the wall, directly in front of where Harry was positioned. "Try to relax, this is strong magic. I don't think Dumbledore would forgive me for turning you into a vegetable. Though I can think of a couple of people who would probably try to reward me."

Harry let the comment slide.

Draco reached under his chair and brought up a small, thin book with a dusty-blue cover. It didn't really look all that interesting. He opened it to the right page, letting the bookmark fall to the floor. "Bemia'ac."

He was about to ask what language that was, but he gasped and placed his hand over his right nipple, staring at it. "What ...?"

"Just stay calm. It's not so bad."

It was really quite nice. Harry could feel lips around his nipple, and a wet, warm tongue, there was teeth too, grazing and biting. Just no body to go with the phantom mouth. His urge to panic rose, despite his wish to believe and trust.

"Close your eyes, if you have to. Imagine it's me, or someone else you'd want. Can't you see it? You can almost touch the other person's hair."

Harry had closed his eyes, trying to picture the blonde hair hovering around his sternum. It slowly seemed to work.

"Who do you see?"


Draco looked surprised and a little uncomfortable at that. "How many do you want?"

His eyes opened. "What?"


Harry squirmed, the same moist sensation starting in on his other nipple. His sweaty hands slid on the sheet and he wondered why he was sweating as it would be Christmas in a couple of weeks. "What is this?"

"It's signals from your brain to your nerves, instead of the other way around. Different, no?"

He looked to Draco, sitting in his chair with the book of evilness in his lap. He thought it irritating that this seemed to be another game where he didn't get to touch anything. He didn't mind the sex, but to not get flesh under his hands just didn't seem right. He just wanted to touch, maybe bite and scratch. He wasn't too sure about what he wanted, but this was getting old.


Harry let out a squeak, his right testicle joining the list of body parts with a phantom mouth attached to it. "What the fuck ...?"

"Cute, huh? It gets better." Draco wasn't even looking at the book anymore, he'd spent hours training himself how to pronounce the words anyway.

Harry wanted to tell him stop, just as soon as he could force his mouth into the right shape for the word 'stop'. But the band on his head seemed to be affecting his thoughts because it would jolt a little, making his head twitch.


His eyes slipped shut again, by now his brain was not caring who did what to whatever part of him and was simply enjoying the feelings.

"What's it like?"

He smiled, his hands slipping again. "It's nice."


"Cause it's your mouth ... and it's everywhere."

"Don't you want someone else though?" Draco spoke soothingly, wondering why Harry was trying to flatter his ego at this point in the game. "Someone more ... compatible." He'd failed at any other adjective.

Harry wasn't even listening anymore, simply muttered something that involved the name 'Draco' somewhere.

Draco himself, however, had heard perfectly what Harry had said and he was frowning uncomfortably. "Nomat." He moved the sequence along, perhaps too quickly.

Harry shivered. He'd heard of what rimming was before, but the idea had always made him uneasy. Now, he could feel it, the phantom tongue slowly moving its way around his opening, pushing in. He knew two things at once. He liked the feeling, but he didn't like it. It felt wonderful, but thinking about what it actually meant, made him feel very queasy. "No, I don't like it."

Draco frowned, more in confusion this time, knowing for himself it felt very nice. "Why not?"

"I DON'T LIKE IT!" Harry yelled at the room, wanting it to stop.

"Dusan." Draco moved to the next word, knowing it would be the only way to take the other's mind off it now. He was really skipping ahead in the order, but Harry's displeasure was not something to be ignored.

Harry whimpered, feeling his hole being forced wider by the phantom cock that was now joining in with the mouths that pulled and compressed around certain parts of his body. "Soon, too soon."

"Relax, just relax." Draco thought quickly, trying to think of anything that would make it better. "It's only me." He rolled his eyes at himself, but he'd said it now and it was too late to take it back.

"Only you, only you." Harry parroted.

"Yes, whatever." Draco suddenly found himself wishing for a cigarette, which was odd as he didn't smoke. Harry was rambling at him now, all manner of things that should not be said and that left him uncomfortable. "Just relax, I'll take you're mind off it all. Laha."

Harry knew he was saying something, not sure what, but it must have been annoying because the next command forced his tongue still as something thick and warm pushed its way into his mouth. It made him of Draco and chocolate and he felt the uneasiness slide away. Unthinkingly, he sucked, feeling only air go into his mouth though the 'cock' was still there. He refocused his eyes, looking to Draco and tried to smile around his invisible mouthful.

The blonde was sitting in the chair, head tilted to one side and just looking at him while the spine of the book was slowly rubbed up and down the front of his pyjama bottoms. "Better?"

He squirmed, managing a nod and moaned.


Harry moaned again, much louder this time as the feeling of a mouth sliding over his cock took the attention away from everything else.

"You wiggle like a slut." But he sounded amused.

Harry just shrugged, trying to suck the non-existent cock into his mouth again. He lazily watched as Draco walked over, book abandoned on the chair, and those pretty hands were on his face, holding his head up as the other leaned in to whisper in his ear.


And Harry swore that he felt it. Something almost twitched in his head, it ran down his spine. It was over in less than half a second, but he'd actually felt the command from his brain to his nerve endings to cum. He squeezed his eyes shut as his breath hitched and Draco's hands were there on his shoulders, stopping him from collapsing straight away. Which was a good thing because his elbows crumpled on the first pulse of his cock, stringy fluid messing up Draco's clean sheets.

And the 'ghosts' were still there, suckling at his chest and groin, the sensitive skin crying out to be left alone for a few moments. And then Draco must have taken the band off because they all disappeared, leaving only the shaking muscles and racing blood as gentle hands that weren't his made him lie down to the side, thankfully avoiding the sticky puddle.

"Are you okay?"

Harry looked up and smiled, feeling far too relaxed and lethargic to actually speak, energy potion or not.

Draco smiled back, brushing the boy's hair in a vain attempt to fix it up. "Well you don't seem any more brain dead than normal."

Harry batted the hand away, glaring but still smiling. His eyes drifted down from Draco's face and locked firmly on to the other's pyjama bottoms. He blushed but a spark of energy rushed through him so he sat up and placed his hands on Draco's hips before he could talk himself out of it. He couldn't bring himself to ask for permission so he simply moved the clothing down, figuring Draco would stop him if he didn't want this.

Harry received no objections so he licked his lips, finally noticing how dry they were. He hadn't been able to properly touch Draco since they'd had the chocolate but now he remembered exactly how little experience he had with this and he started to panic. He could already imagine that someone laughing at you while you tried to fellate them, would be humiliating. Possibly crippling.

"Something wrong?" Draco clearly had noticed his hesitation.

"Sorry ... this is much easier when you're drugged."

"Did you mean me drugged or you drugged?"

"Either, both, whatever, sorry." And Harry shut himself up, licking the soft skin. He pressed his lips to it, almost as a kiss, before leaning over further and taking half of it into his mouth. Fingers tickled at the back of his neck and that was encouraging to him so he gently nipped his way back up, taking the time to run the tip of his tongue into the tiny slit. He was pulling at the foreskin with his lips when Draco's hands pulled him away.


Harry was about to apologise for whatever he'd done when Draco kicked away the pyjamas completely and crawled passed him on the bed, stretching out to lie down.


Harry blinked but followed the beckoning hand back to Draco's groin. He wrapped his thumb and forefinger around the erection and started to move them slowly, his lips already back to where they had been before the brief interval. Draco didn't last long, which was confusing but Harry thought that maybe the spine of the book had something to do it, some semen oozing out of his mouth before he licked it back in.

Draco's eyes were firmly shut.

"Was that okay?"

They opened. "Sorry?"

"Well, I've only ever tried that twice, you were pretty far gone the first time, so i was just wondering if it was okay." Harry told himself to stop and take a breath.

The blonde thought about it for a moment as his breathing returned to normal. "Surely there's a slight aftertaste in your mouth that would indicate how you did just fine?"

"Well, yeah, but I was just wondering, 'cause I had these visions of blood, or laughing or ..." He trailed off, noticing that, now, his lover seemed to be about to laugh. "I should just shut up, shouldn't I?"

Draco nodded, amused look firmly in place.

Harry gave an echoing nod and shifted to lie down next to him.

"Doesn't that hurt?"


"Lying down with your glasses on. Don't they dig into your ears or something?"

"Only if I turn my head to the side, it's okay if I just look straight up." Harry glanced to his left and shrugged, pulling them off anyway and tossing them to his pile of clothes. "Better?"

"Different." Draco looked back to the ceiling. "I don't think I remember the last time I ever saw you without them on. Maybe I never have?"

"You would have at some point, surely. We've been around each other long enough."

"Mmm." Draco rolled on to his left side, leaving Harry to look at his back. "I guess."

But there was a small thing bothering Harry and he wanted to say it now before either of them fell asleep. "Draco?" Silence followed for a few seconds and he thought maybe the other had gone to sleep already.


"Do you think you could get a game where I get to touch you?" Harry realised he might be sounding pushy or ungrateful so he hurried on. "I mean, it's not like these aren't fun, they are ... It just seems weird that I don't get to touch you." More silence and Harry was about to check if the blonde was still awake but the body shifted just as his hand was reaching out and he snatched it back quickly.

"I'll see what I can do." Draco knew just the one and he smiled, feeling free to because Harry couldn't see his face.




| 01) Thirteen Kisses | 02) Twelve Kisses... | 03) Eleven Stones | 04) Ten Touchers | 05 Nine Words | 06) Eight Sticks |

fic, gb_series

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