Things that are crankifying:
- Filling up my car this morning cost over $50.00. Meep! Thank goodness I live less than 3.5 miles from work.
- Walking into work and being confronted with 5 letters waiting in my inbox already.
- The air conditioner seems determined to mildly torment me by issuing a high pitched whining sound. Ugh. Bless you, ear phones, bless you.
- A weekend almost entirely wasted by that stupid stomach bug. *shakes fist*
- Ketchup stains on shirts are sucky, and my Tide stick is impotent against their mighty power.
- Help! I’ve been mugged. Oh wait, that’s just the humidity.
- While I’m on the subject of the rain, the area directly along the path out of my apartment building has turned into a big patch of yuck. I honestly can’t tell if it is mud or mold, but there’s certainly no grass. The grass died in all of the snow and salt earlier this year, and this spring there’s never been an opportunity to replace the bald spot with anything else. It’s an eyesore, to be honest, and I hope they’re able to do something when and if it dries out a bit.
Things making me a bit numb:
- Well apparently after all of the drama last week, Gramma is eating a bit again and she’s recognizing my uncle. Her lungs are still pretty messed up, but as far as I know, that’s about it. Now I feel a bit foolish about getting so worked up about it. As I said to Jeff yesterday, I have to get over this idea I seem to have that Gramma’s health is going to follow any sort of plan or pattern. It’s the lack of control that is driving me crazy; my mostly suppressed Virgo cusp side really wants some freaking order or a plan to which she could cling during the darker moments. This limbo stuff is for the birds. For now I guess we’re back to alert level yellow instead of orange.
Things that are making me smile:
- It’s Dan’s birthday today! Happy birthday Dan! :)
- My boss calling me to share that for some reason he was thinking of Princess Amidala calling Anakin Skywalker Ani in Episode I makes him think of Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal. “Ani are you okay, Ani are you okay, Are you okay, Ani?”
- This little bit of literary LOLCat humor
- Oh, if only many of the things in this were true. (It’s a mock Google news page with many things I’d like to see happen. I think there’s a little bit there for everyone’s wish list.)
- My parent’s are coming to visit me this week. Yay! I finally get to give my mom her birthday and Mother’s Day presents (there have been lots of “Maybe we can meet this weekend. Oh, you have company? How about this weekend? You’re going where? Oh. Well. Um” conversations).
- Speaking of parents, Wil Wheaton posted an entry on his blog talking about the joy of being able to share a book with his step-son, who has reached the age where reading isn’t quite as cool as it used to be. It’s a lovely piece, and I’d recommend reading it if you have a spare moment.
Wish list:- I finally figured out that since my Turbo Tax fees were paid from my refund that I am getting a paper check from the government, … sometime in early July. Gah!!!! But I still want my giant iPod so that I can switch between bouncy music and woo-woo music, and singer-songwriter music, and I’m so angry I could scream music at a whim. Also? I’d love to be able to watch TV shows that I’ve downloaded during lunch. How fun would that be?
- I’d really enjoy owning the soundtrack albums for the Battlestar Galactica series. It irks me that they’re not in iTunes, thereby satisfying my need for instant gratification. What gives?
- Maid service. It’s a dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom sort of night.
- I’m feeling skirty and sundressy lately. I think I may need to buy some.