Hi again! I didn't write a blog of my first ever Sexy Zone single copy coz' I been busy these past few days balancing real life and fangirling is a bit challenging especially balancing 2 fandoms, I salute all multifangirls who can juggle 2 or more fandoms I'm still in adjustment period.
Okay, let's go to the main topic of this entry! My Sexy Zone RUN Single Bundle! Yatta! I'm so so so so happy and excited when my CD's arrived last Septemer 1, 2020 to my excitement I can't to open it for next day and as for remembrance I made an unboxing video. This is my first ever CD for Sexy Zone! Yes! coz' I'm a newbie fan of them I just started to be thier fan last July 2020 and I'm happy that I met Sexy Zone.
Sexy Zone Bundle comes with Limited Edition A, Limited Eidtion B and UMJ Version with a very beautiful box! yass! the box is so beautiful and I love it!
Also, as I mentioned before I made an unboxing video, you can use it as a reference if you still want to grab a copy.
Sexy Zone RUN Bundle Unboxing Video That's all! Thank you!