Jun 25, 2007 16:30
Update: I can see the end of the tunnel. The only things still at my apartment that I intend to keep include dishes (all 4 of them), my computer, my sheets, my tiny tv, my daily use toiletries, my stereo, and a couple of other random items. The primary category left is "Stuff to give away."
I need to have people over ASAP, preferably tonight or tomorrow night, to go through a pile of random junk interesting geek-friendly items to help me empty out my apartment. There's a guy who is supposed to be calling me this week about taking my bed off my hands (he's currently sleeping on a leaking air mattress) and because he has NOTHING for people to sit on in his living room, I told him that he can have the couch as payment for moving the freaking thing. But that still leaves a lot of extra crap around. Help! There are books, games, cds, dvds, clothes, stuffed animals, makeup and hair care products (some open), shoes, and all sorts of nifty stuff. If you have a truck and could haul them, there's even some furniture that I'd like to part with (table + 2 chairs, book shelf, tv stand, maybe a dresser. I have a likely taker on the computer desk as well). Donations to the "Moving out of state" fund would be appreciated, but mostly I would just like it if these things went somewhere that they'd actually be used instead of being thrown away. If I can get people to come over to browse through the random piles of my consumer excess, I'd spring for pizza so everyone would be welcome to chill, browse, geek around, eat pizza, etc.