May 17, 2007 05:06

Okay, now it's POSSIBLE that I may be able to wrangle things so that I can show up at YA SWUUSI this year.

I'm strongly considering having the last day of my job be 7/20, as that is the end of a pay period, which would amusingly fall in such a way as to give me the next week off. The thought of seeing my YRUU friends again seems completely awesome... But then there are other things that plague my head.

If I did that (and got my ass in gear in time to register and pay out the nigh-$200) in order to spend a week with the people who made me what I am today, and who quite possibly provided the sense of self and purpose and stubbornness that literally kept me ALIVE during the time frame of SWUUSI 2000 (never get a blood infection and kidney failure, as it's extremely not fun), would people want to see me? Would I feel alienated and out of place? What if people saw the person I seemingly became (9-5 job working at the corporate office of the LARGEST [and in many circles, the most despised] private employer in the country, and future law student) and rejected me for it? My memories of YRUU continue to shape me and make me smile with fond remembrance, and I miss everyone so much and I miss the fellowship and meaning of weekend-long excursions to far off places in the district for rallies... but would the people I cared so much for still accept me as an equal, after I've been so horrible about losing touch with EVERYONE?

So, for those of you planning to go to SWUUSI who look at my journal (which I think is probably two or three people total), what's the story? Would I still be exposed to the same kind of welcoming love and fellowship at YA SWUUSI that I experienced at rallies? Are there enough people who would recognize me and be glad to see me so as to not make me feel alienated by the people who went straight from YRUU to YA and thus have MASSIVE and partially inflexible groups of friends?

And IF I ended up registering and taking off for a week, and my loving boyfriend (quite understanday) turns out to not be interested in cooping himself up for a week with a hundred people he has never met with only my assurance of "You'll like them, they're crazy, brilliant liberal people and they love everyone" to justify spending that much money at such a busy time [God what a run on sentence], could I perchance persuade anyone (*POKES LITTLE ROCK*) to pick me up so that I could have people to share the driving with me and not have the gas prices and driving time be mine alone to bear in the dog days of summer (and also so I'd be less likely to get lost along the way)?

And yes, that last paragraph was one big string of clauses that ended with a question. I apologize.

But yeah. I poke for comments. I think SWUUSI would be a good thing for me to do before I run off for law school (selling my soul for full tuition and whatnot), but I'm so nervous about how I'd fit with everyone else so many years later.
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