I'm spending the end of my Winter Break (my LAST ONE, mind you) at home. It's nice to be with the parents. But I was bored.
To give you a background of my house, we are not able to get broadband internet connection. They never laid the fiber optic infrastructure for cable modems, and unfortunately, our house is too far away from the base station to get DSL. My dad thought that satellite would be better than regular dial-up.
It's not. It takes anywhere from 30 sec to 2 min to load A WEBPAGE. And sometimes it doesn't work at all. I'm thus limited in my scope of online activities. Until now.
I received a laptop for Xmas. The the fact that it's portable allows me to drive to houses in the area, park outside their house, and use their wireless internet. Muahahaha.
My computer's tag is "CookieMonster" when it connects to someone's network. SO, if they actually checked to see who was logged on (which they totally won't) they'd say, "Oh it's just the Cookie Monster" and continue with their daily life activities.
See this little treat in the corner of my screen? Thank you 129 Pebble Beach Lane.