Aug 12, 2009 18:23
The good:
So many people for so long have been talking about Doctor Who and how amazing it is. Well, last week I finally started watching it. I'd put the first series of the 2005 reboot on hold at the library and it came in last Monday. A week and two days later I'm watching Series 4 Episode 4. Yeah, I got hooked. And OH MY GOD all of you in love with David Tennant are completely correct. The man is amazing. And hilarious. ("Barefoot on the moon!") And pretty. Really really pretty.
Someone told me they think the library two-parter is their favorite episode (not sure if he meant of this series or overall). Well, I haven't gotten there yet, but the last episode of series 2 is my favorite so far. I cried. So hard. And then had to watch that scene again last night. And cried again.
The bad:
When my dad and I got home from work today my mom let us know that my grandma found a lump in her breast. She found it the other day, and went in today. I think tomorrow (or at least soon) she's going in to talk with a consultant and a surgeon, and probably will have it biopsied (sp?) then. What I'm not so sure is good or bad is that she got back from California about two weeks ago and said it wasn't there before the trip (or on the trip). Oh boy. Scary.