This weekend

Jun 10, 2006 18:13

has been interesting. I was planning on just hanging out with people the whole time...but that didn't quite work.

Yesterday was Miyazaki night. We watched Kiki's Delivery Service and Howl's Moving Castle. We ran out of time for the last one, so watched a couple of episodes of FLCL instead. That was fun.

Today I woke up around 11 and learned my Spanish group was meeting at 1 to start filming the soap opera episode we have due next week. That ended around 5:30 or so, then I drove Adri home. Now it's 6:15 and I don't know what people are doing. I WOULD however, like to have a last hurrah before Spain and get crunk. I'm not sure who is doing that though. Actually I do know who, and I'm invited...they just haven't told me where or when exactly. Either K-Tub or the I'm assuming Kirkland Teen Center or the Old Redmond Firehouse...which are both concert venues...I dunno. We'll see how that works out.

Also, tomorrow I need to take a trip down to Seattle to hang up my MSI posters. I'm so excited. MIS, Kill Hannah (ew, gross, no me gusta), and Schoolyard Heros! And I get to sell my ticket to Jason if I send in pictures of me putting these up because I get guestlisted. YAY! I also need to go last-minute Spain shopping with my mother. I can't believe I have about 6 days left until I'm back in Europe!!!!!!!! I still need nice pants and maybe a sundress. And a 1 GB photo card. I think that's it. Maybe another pair of shorts.

AAH! I'M ALMOST DONE WITH JUNIOR YEAR! How did that happen? I swear that yesterday Carolyn and Brian started going out, that I was breaking up with Jeff...(so those were like three months apart...). Ai ai ai. I wanna stay in this summer forever cuz it'll be amazing.


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