Ok, so I was in my parents room watching t.v and they randomly change the t.v to some channel and I see OBAMA on screen and hear 'presidential moment' and I start SCREAMING ACTUALLY screaming and I start hugging and kissing my parents (umm...yes they were creeped out)
Until I realize...the election is tomorrow. And it was just an ad for Obama. Smart. Real smart...
STILL! FAR OUT I HOPE OBAMA/BIDEN I can actually go crazy.
Why yes he is superman. Sif you would even question that...
(on a shallow, completely unrelated note-don't you think Obama is the best looking possible president yet? Seriously.)
I think I'm in lust love. And obviously (if you've been reading) you know who with. So how do I get aforementioned guys attention when both of us are in exams and he's going to Phillip Island and then overseas VERY SOON and then he'll be in effing uni with a lot of hot girls throwing themselves at him while I'm in bloody highschool taking VCE possibly the Victorian government's favourite method of torturing teenagers. BUT It's my birthday I use that as a way to get him to come out for lunch or something?? And then there is the complication of my parents. And the freaky possibility of him not liking me back. Or worse liking me.
I actually might have feelings for this guy so I want to get his attention BUT...I don't want to put myself out there because my heart's too fragile to be broken at the moment...suggestions? Anyone here who is older, wiser and more likely to know more about this then a pretty innocent, naive, inexperienced 16 year old??
I'm so scared about this because I still remember my heart actually breaking two years ago when the first guy I ever loved(no friends...childhood 10 years of pining) told me about the other girl he loved. I went home and cried for days.
ASIAN LOVING FRIENDS ON yourself a east of eden!! It is fan-freaking-tastic!!
I know it's 50 episodes BUT it's so awesome and SONG SEOUNG HOON TAKES HIS SHIRT OFF A LOT! HURRAY!!! WE ALL WIN!! I think i just drooled on my keyboard.
Seriously? Do I even need to go on?? JUST LOOK AT HIM?
Yay!! Best couple!! <3<3<3
OMFG!! Gossip girl! episode 10! BEST CALL:
"you're so perfect"
"you don't want to be like macy the lacrostitute" BAHAHA...Blair never change <3
P.S "my mum only comments on my appearance to criticize me" Ahuh. I hear ya :)
I met my cousins girlfriend(they've been going out 8 years...high school sweetheart...aww!!) and HOLY SHIT! She is gorgeous! And smart! And nice! And tinnnyyyyy (like shorter than me!) but soooo cute! (My sister and I were like...DUDE! Marry her! hehe)
My legal exam is next wednesday and I'm livejournal and watching gossip girl...procrastination much??
Oh and do I need a LJ cut? Just tell me if I do..not too many pictures or spoilers so hopefully not?