I was bored.

Jan 17, 2009 13:02

When are you getting there?

I arrive on Thursday morning.

Where are you staying?

The Double Tree. First floor. With freaky naughty Voy and Strait edge Rex.

Where will you be most of the time during the day's?

Everywhere. Seriously Ill be bouncing off the walls. Partying Dancing and Room parties duh!

Who will you be with?

Well that depends on alot of factors. Guess we will just wait an see.

What suits will you have?

Carver K. mADE By *music effects* VOY!

What is your gender?
I think I'm a man a man man man!
Yesh I has penar an ballz an that is it so male!

How old are you?

How tall are you?


Can I touch you?

If its cleared through security of Rex possibly. But yea sure just don't be rubbing your paws all over my hawt body!

Can I talk to you?

Sure as long as it isnt yiff bark or arf!

Can I buy you drinks?
As many you want an mabey one roofietini!

Can I hug or snuggle with you?

If you fill out the proper forms.

Are you nice?

If your cool yes if not go die in a fire fucker.

Things I do NOT like at the con:

Cheap, smelly, dirty, creepy, dishonest, overtly nerdy,.

Things I DO like at the con:

Drink DRINK drinK Party party PArty hang out and just have fucking Fun!
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