Feb 07, 2010 13:58
Shizuka's on Valium. He has anxiety issues.
My cat is taking Valium.
... why can't MDs be that accomodating?
OMG. O. M. G...
My poor baby, he's so out of it. He's glassy-eyed! I had picked him up, and normally when I try to put him down again, he springs out of my arms like an acrobat, landing on his feet. This time, he just flopped. Big time. Just... *splat* on the floor. So I picked him up again, smoothed him out a bit, made a fuss over him, and put him down carefully on his special spot on the loveseat, and he just let his legs go out from under him and sprawled.
I feel so guilty. He just stares at me as though he's trying to figure out which one is the real me. I can't believe I've got my baby doped up like this. I'm going to half his dose - the whole point of the Valium was to calm him down a bit, not to make him... like this. How is this better for him?
Although... I think I'll give him a good brushing while he's still so relaxed. Maybe for once he'll hold still long enough.