if you are from
gaugetrade and we have unfinished business, you can contact me here.
also, for you last few sellers/buyers, your feedback is behind the cut.
you username will be added as the transactions are completed.
positive feedback for:
aggresive_sloth for the dichro. thanks for holding them for me and being so obliging!
valkovaseliini for the trade and concealed cash. as always, very speedy shipping! thank you. :)
hopestarraiser for the clear skins. LOVE. pretty quick shipping for an international package, too.
myfireflystare for the stone. took awhile, but she apologized profusely and once it shipped, boy it flew! wrapped nicely in felt and clean. :)
pleasesupriseme for the moonfaces. she even waited a week for me to pay! (special circumstances, i think). thanks. :)
puja_g for the whole bunches of stuff. great prices, and she even shipped before she got my cash! wonderful transaction.