Let's be Matt

Sep 05, 2007 06:39

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Matt is a 30-year-old deadbeat from Connecticut who used to think that all he ever wanted to do in life was make and play videogames. He achieved this goal pretty early and enjoyed it for a while, but eventually realized there might be other stuff he was missing out on. In February of 2003, he quit his job in Brisbane, Australia and used the money he'd saved to wander around the planet until it ran out. He made this site so he could keep his family and friends updated about where he is.
A few months into his trip, a travel buddy gave Matt the idea of dancing everywhere he went and recording it on his camera. This turned out to be a very good idea. Now Matt is quasi-famous as "That guy who dances on the internet. No, not that guy. The other one. No, not him either. I'll send you the link. It's funny."

The response to the first video brought Matt to the attention of the nice people at Stride long-lasting gum. They asked Matt if he'd be interested in taking another trip around the world to make a new video. Matt asked if they'd be paying for it. They said yes. Matt thought this sounded like another very good idea.

At the end of 2005, Matt left on a 6 month trip through 39 countries on all 7 continents. In that time, he danced a great deal.

Matt dances very badly, but most people don't seem to mind.

Matt is not rich. Matt also doesn't have some magical secret for traveling cheaply. He does it pretty much the same way everybody else does.

Matt thinks Americans need to travel abroad more.

Matt was a very poor student and never went to college. When he got older, he was pleased to discover that no one actually cares. Matt doesn't want to imply that college is bad or anything. He's just saying is all. There's other ways to fill your head.

Matt currently lives in Seattle, Washington, where he still works in videogames from time to time as a writer and designer. Matt recognizes that this is not the worst job in the world, but he prefers traveling.

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Seems that now that the kids are back in school - Ive gone off and seem to be waking up at 530am again. Something about my motherly internal clock kickin in. During most of the summer I was waking on average of 7am - with the ocassional 9am but that has something to do with going to sleep at 5am in the first place (but hey thats another post where I shall explain  that soon enough).  Let me get back to this post about Matt. Since I awoke up so early - I decided to check out my 360 blog which I rarely blog at. One of my friends there had this particular post and when I saw it I decided to share it. (The first vid - is the one he did with his friend and the other is when Stride paid for it.) Im wondering if one of you here posted about it or maybe I missed it plus than there is also the fact that maybe Stride used it as a commercial - Im not sure - I tend to mute the channel and walk away from the tv during commercials.) Anyways I found it uplifting to watch - I imagine it was a combination of all things - the music - the faraway places - the silly dance - the people's reactions - some reacted and then there are those who were to engrossed in their daily buisness to even take notice of him.  I guess we are guilty of that at one time or another......

video, uplifting, music

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