pretty perfect weekend

Jan 04, 2009 20:30

I have 30 minutes to kill before Brothers and Sisters. I'm so tired from this weekend but I want to see a Kevin-centered ep so badly that I'm going to force myself to stay wake. About time my favorite Walker gets some lovin'.

Saw Lifehouse Friday night and it was AMAZING! I mean they were awesome last time when I heard them from outside the venue and saw them through the bushes but this time I had a clear view. Jason Wade is just beautiful. I love my Josh Groban, but Jason Wade just gets so into his performances. Granted, I've never seen Josh but still. You can just tell how emotionally invested Jason is into his music. I swear he wanted to cry during "from where you are." And Simon and Broken.. just don't get me started. Just flawless!

Saturday morning was training but that's too boring to talk about. Saturday night I headed up to Austin to hang with Kevin, Katie and Patrick. We went to see Curious Case of Benjamin Button which was AMAZING! Best movie I've seen in a long time. It had so many profound quotations that I looked them up immediately after getting home tonight. We came back to Kevin's apartment, watched some more movies and chatted until about 3am. This morning we slept in, had pancakes, watched the American President then went on a hike in the 48 degree cold. I only brought flip flops since it was 85 and humid yesterday. Didn't think to check today's weather. Whoops! Luckily I brought sweats and my feet weren't cold as we started walking. We came to this one part where there were some large rocks surrounded part of the stream and it was just beautiful. We all sat there in silence for a good 10 minutes. Definitely one of those perfect moments. Then we had a late lunch and I headed back to SA.

Now I'm at home and definitely experiencing the "day after Christmas" feeling yet again. I hate it. I hate that I finally find the most perfect guy, but the timing is probably wrong. Whoever said it's all about timing was right. This sucks.

My favorite quotation from Curious Case of Benjamin Button was, "We are defined by opportunites even the ones we miss."

I can't get over how true this is. Most of the defining moments of my life are the ones that were missed opportunities. I hope this doesn't become another one.

Thank goodness I get to see the smiling faces of my beatiful students tomorrow. Sometimes a reality check is a blessing.
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