No, MCU, I have not forgotten you.

Sep 08, 2009 23:53

I've just been busy.

We did play the last two episodes of MCU's second season. It was freaking awesome, but you'll have to read about that in two days time. Here's a teaser:

At the end of the penultimate episode, the group was together and on the run. A hit squad made up of dirty SWAT cops was on the way. Not knowing who to trust, they run for their lives.

At the end of our season, one main cast member is dead, as is a recurring guest star. (Plus I got to drop some great lines as MCU Captain Jim Gordon. "They still might be wearing uniforms, but they stopped being cops a long time ago." Damn, I love that line.)

Anyway, watch this space on Thursday for some awesome.

edit: I'm tempted to call these two episodes We're So Screwed, Parts 1 and 2, but that's because I love me the Farscape.

mcu: gotham

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