And the icons keep pouring in! I've been trying some new stuff lately and here are the results... Feel free to take and use these icons, but please, credit... Oh, and they're NOT bases, not even the textless ones.
Nice icons! I'll credit if I take any. Can you please post the pic you used to make the last one? I can't find it but the point is that I've seen it lots of times, lol.
It's a cap from the fourth DVD. I got it amongst many other caps from the deleted scenes in ehm... Some DVD-capping community I've joined... dj_capslock, that's the community! But it's been aaaages since I downloaded the caps, so they must be capped weeks ago.. And it's in an older post. Good luck finding them!
I can't post that cap over here, because I downloaded it in a zip file that had 600 caps from the deleted scenes and extras of the fourth DVD (and yes, it's a piccie from the first movie, but they showed it briefly on the DVD and so it was amongst the caps)
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